IC2 power simple question

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tyler f

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I have something that accepts up to 128 Eu/T and I have a HV cable connected to 2 MV transformers and I then connect those 2 outputting transformers to one fiber optic cable which is connected to the 128 Eu/T device, will it explode?

In other words, is MV a classification of a segment or is it's classification entirely dependent on how much power is running through a certain cable?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MV is the term used to describe the energy packets that range from 33 eu/t to 128 eu/t in size. IC2 energy moves in packets, so a machine can only get a certain size of packet, but it can get any amount of those packets. 1 MFSU outputs 1 packet of 512 eu per tick so running it through 1 MV transformer then produces 4 packets of 128 eu which can easily go into a medium voltage machine.