Ic2 gravichestplate acting strange near players

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When I use the gravichestplate to fly it works fine normally. I have "r" set to enable and disable the gravitation engines in order to not waste energy. When i am within 16 blocks of another player this does not work. If I am flying when coming into contact with a player and hit "r" it will display a message saying the gravitation engines have turned off but I will still be flying. The only way to stop flying while near a player is to turn off the engines and double tap space as i would in creative. If i stay flying for too long "about 5 seconds" after turning the engines off i am kicked from the server with a message saying that flying is not allowed on this server. I am aware of how to disable the being kicked for flight but not able to figure out how to disable this odd behavior near other players.

I am playing on Ftb infinity evolved

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
When I use the gravichestplate to fly it works fine normally. I have "r" set to enable and disable the gravitation engines in order to not waste energy. When i am within 16 blocks of another player this does not work. If I am flying when coming into contact with a player and hit "r" it will display a message saying the gravitation engines have turned off but I will still be flying. The only way to stop flying while near a player is to turn off the engines and double tap space as i would in creative. If i stay flying for too long "about 5 seconds" after turning the engines off i am kicked from the server with a message saying that flying is not allowed on this server. I am aware of how to disable the being kicked for flight but not able to figure out how to disable this odd behavior near other players.

I am playing on Ftb infinity evolved
How's your TPS? If the server's lagging badly, that might cause this sort of thing... but if not, I don't know.

You can type /cofh tps to see how much lag each dimension on the server is lagging. Assuming you've got CoFH Core installed, of course, which Infinity does.

Does anything weird show up in the server log when this happens? You'll probably have to ask the admin to look at that at some point when you're both online, but that's the only place I can think of where any kind of helpful information might show up.


How's your TPS? If the server's lagging badly, that might cause this sort of thing... but if not, I don't know.

You can type /cofh tps to see how much lag each dimension on the server is lagging. Assuming you've got CoFH Core installed, of course, which Infinity does.

Does anything weird show up in the server log when this happens? You'll probably have to ask the admin to look at that at some point when you're both online, but that's the only place I can think of where any kind of helpful information might show up.

I actually am the admin of this server, it is only me and 2 of my friends that play on it. I made the full quantum suit with ultimate solar helmet and gravichestplate a few days ago and it wasn't until we decided to go check out the twigh-light forest that i noticed the glitch (up until then i hadn't been near any other players). Its really not too terrible but just a little annoying since i don't like to fly at all times being that the solar helmet doesn't charge in the twilight and if i have the option to walk it is much faster anyways. thanks for the response though, I did check to see if there were any errors or anything that showed up and i couldn't find anything, also there were no issues with lag either.