I missclic inventory tweaks

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Hello everyone;

I started modded minecraft yesterday. And when I opened my inventory , I do not know what I was doing , but I managed to remove about parity block and craft recipes.

I want to know if it is possible to display it again !

If so can you explain it to me simply, I have not practiced English for 15 years!

Thank you for your answers!! (and google trad ;))


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Do you mean the search bar and the recipes on the right are gone? If so then all you probably have to do is open the Inventory, press "E", and then press "O".

The O button will toggle it on and off if you need to make it "nice" for a screenshot or something ;)


Yep the search bar an the recipe on the right are gone! And you have the solution!! Now i can enjoy!!

Thanks for your time rhn :D