I can't research ethereal bloom.
I'm using Thaumcraft 4.0.5b, and there is no research icon in Thaunomicon in alchemy tab.
As far as I know, ethereal bloom research have no required research in pre-step.
Isn't it just connected from crucible icon in initial state?
I scanned all aspects required for ethereal bloom (Herba, Praecantatio, Sano, Vitium)
but still I can't research ethereal bloom.
When I started research from Herba aspect, nothing happen and just one of Herba aspect be gone.
Is there some hidden steps to unlock the ethereal bloom research?
I'm keep trying to research other items but still the icon of ethereal bloom does not appear.
Here attached my current alchemy tab in Thaunomicon.
I'm using Thaumcraft 4.0.5b, and there is no research icon in Thaunomicon in alchemy tab.
As far as I know, ethereal bloom research have no required research in pre-step.
Isn't it just connected from crucible icon in initial state?
I scanned all aspects required for ethereal bloom (Herba, Praecantatio, Sano, Vitium)
but still I can't research ethereal bloom.
When I started research from Herba aspect, nothing happen and just one of Herba aspect be gone.
Is there some hidden steps to unlock the ethereal bloom research?
I'm keep trying to research other items but still the icon of ethereal bloom does not appear.
Here attached my current alchemy tab in Thaunomicon.