How to make Feed The Beast 1000% more awesome

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you don't like my username.
If you hate griefers, I understand you. Seriously, I've run servers multiple times (even once a modded one) mostly to play minecraft coop with friends, but there were public ones. If you still don't believe me, here is my interpretation of my username:
Now I'll explain ya. Once I had a problem with creating a username. I didn't know which one to pick. But then I thought of explosive powers that TNT provided, and possible civil applications. From that point, the idea of a demolition company on a server was a totally a good idea... Well, I didn't go that far, when I was a step close to having diamond swag, the server reset. Disappointment... Even though the dream is wrecked, username is still intact. I tend to find advantages using such a nickname, actually. For instance, Nobody wants to mess up my house somehow. (Please don't, I always try to be nice to everyone).
Have you ever wanted to sound supermegaultraüber9001nerdy? Have you ever dreamed of having the same world over different computers? Now you can, just install any cloud storage app (I recommend you Dropbox).

Firstly, open up your launcher and take a look at the install folder in the settings tab. Now, do the copy-paste thing(copy current install folder to Dropbox) and don't forget to change the install directory on your launcher afterwards.. TIP: copy-paste the launcher to the dropbox folder as well. This way what you'll need to when you are on a new machine is just to put a launcher on a desktop (or anywhere you want) and specify the install directory. Done! Don't forget to synch dropbox before you wish to migrate to another PC.

DONE! The entire thing. Thanks for reading :)