How to fix Ticking entity crash in Mindcrack v7 and Direwolf20 v4 Modpacks

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are getting a crash after updating to Mindcrack version 7 or Direwolf20 version 4 that looks similar to the following:

Description: Ticking entity
    at forestry.core.genetics.Chromosome.writeToNBT(
    at forestry.core.genetics.Genome.writeToNBT(
    at forestry.arboriculture.genetics.Tree.writeToNBT(
    at forestry.arboriculture.gadgets.TileTreeContainer.b(
    at forestry.arboriculture.gadgets.TileLeaves.b(
    at forestry.arboriculture.gadgets.TileTreeContainer.l(
    at iq.b(
    at iq.j_(
    at yc.a(
    at in.a(
    at yc.g(
    at yc.h(
    at in.h(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(
    at ho.r(
    at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(

You should open the \minecraft\config\forestry\common.conf and look for the following section:

# NEW: set to true to clear chromosomes which contain invalid alleles. might rescue your save if it is crashing after removal of a bee addon.

And change it to...

# NEW: set to true to clear chromosomes which contain invalid alleles. might rescue your save if it is crashing after removal of a bee addon.

This will fix any items causing the crash. Once you are certain that all bee and trees have been loaded, you can reset the genetics.clear.invalid.chromosomes setting to false.

Additional information related to this can be found here.
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Thanks for posting this fix! It happened to me earlier today and this saved my Mindcrack single-player world.
one of our members has just pointed me here about this fix..and i have to say..thank you for posting this fix..and a very big thank you to our member fanta for showing this to me

you both have saved our map...

love you
Please help, my encounter with this error is a bit different. Right before i got the error i had just "Save and Quit" from my single player FTB Mindcrack v7 world. I then proceed to install Optifine 1.4.6 A3 Ultra HD, then i went to log back into the same world. But that was when i got my error, i would click on that world then press the button "play selected world", it would almost load, but then, before i actually got in the game it gave me the error. I tried fixing it a couple different ways and one of those many ways worked fine for the first 30 seconds of in-game play, then it crashed again. The change i made was to switch the region folder out with one of an older date, but the same world.(i don't know if that means anything but i thought adding that might help).

So my question is......... ? is it optifine (in my case) that caused this crash?

1. What does changing the code to true actually do in game?
2. Does it stop forestry mods from loading when loading new areas of my world?
3. Will the change affect the way that the forestry mod loads and saves?
4. Will the change affect the way that the forestry mod it behaves when i use it?

Please reply,
Brenden Oneyear
So got my server to finally work with v7 of Mindcrack,but I can't set it back to false.Leaving at true for the meantime,just throwing this at there.
so if i were to build a tunnel bore with redpower and i hit a chest that say had those bees/trees in them would i crash my world or are those trees and bees removed from the dungeon chests (in chunks that have been loaded in V6 of mindcrack)
here is my problem

Description: Ticking entity

at miscperipherals.peripheral.PeripheralChatBox.notInRange(
at miscperipherals.peripheral.PeripheralChatBox.onDeath(
at miscperipherals.peripheral.PeripheralChatBox.access$200(
at miscperipherals.peripheral.PeripheralChatBox$ChatListener.onLivingDeath(
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler_177_ChatListener_onLivingDeath_LivingDeathEvent.invoke(.dynamic)
at net.minecraftforge.event.ASMEventHandler.invoke(
at net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooks.onLivingDeath(
at iq.a(
at md.a(
at qx.a(
at iq.a(
at qj.m(SourceFile:80)
at qj.a(SourceFile:106)
at md.c(
at qj.c(SourceFile:26)
at qd.c(SourceFile:193)
at md.j_(
at qj.j_(SourceFile:31)
at yc.a(
at in.a(
at yc.g(
at yc.h(
at in.h(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(
at ho.r(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(