Hey Forum! My name is Marc, and like many of you am making a feed the beast private pack for a couple of friends and I. I am just about finished getting all the permissions and downloading/placing the mods in their right spots, but I have a question for you guys. I have a heavy background in bukkit servers, but I'm very new to ftb. My question like the title of the post says is how do you test your mod pack and I think along the same lines how do you generate the config files that Watchfull11 says you need to upload with your pack. If someone could explain these steps to me I would be very grateful and also I think it will help a lot of people on this very confusing topic. I'm guessing I have to do something with forge and minecraft, but I really don't know. I'm planning on using minecraft 1.5.2 for the pack. Thanks again for your time and help and have a great night.