How many of you would be interested in a "hardmode" FTB server?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was interested in seeing how many people would enjoy playing a "hardmode" FTB server. The server would be configured in such a way that it offers the maximum difficulty that one can set up for FTB. It would have things like:
  • All Gregtech expensive recipes enabled.
  • Portal Gun mod configured to be as dangerous to players as possible (hostile turrets, instagib energy balls, etc).
  • Minecraft difficulty set to Hard.
  • Rebalancing through config files (the first batch of players would discuss what is and is not considered too powerful and configure the server to nerf or disable things that can make the game too easy).
  • Nothing that gives new players a headstart (such as a public food / xp / etc farms near spawn) or freebies.
  • PvP could be an option if so desired.
  • More, if anybody has other ideas.
If a lot of people are interested in such a thing, I could go about setting one up at my home (I have a pretty good upload Mb/s for NA clients, could handle 8 clients with no more lag than your average FTB server, more if I limit chunkloading, and I could give the server 4-6GB of RAM) or, if popular enough, set up a paid-for server.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the idea a lot. I think it would be too difficult for me, I'm pretty damn stupid, but I'd be happy to join in the debate over configs, I like rummaging through the config files to find all the little tweaks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't have a decent enough internet to join in a server (and i have kids... kids is the biggest nerf to online play since Adam knocked up Eve).

I would be however. very interested in a hardcore modpack with all configs balanced around making the game challenging.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like the idea a lot. I think it would be too difficult for me, I'm pretty damn stupid
Lol, I'm kinda like that.. I'm way too careless when I play. I die a LOT. Mostly from my own inattention with creepers coming up on me or ignoring the skellies shooting me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I like this idea. As a bonus, perhaps you could release your config files for people who want to play "hardmode" SSP :)

As someone who has played a whole lot of FtB and enjoys a challenge, here's a few things that could help:

-Increase the Magma Crucible netherrack to lava recipe to 16,000 MJ or more, and perhaps increase the other recipes as well. It seems that the Magma Crucible throws off balance between mods and allows for easy energy generation.

I made a post regarding this issue here:
Omicron replied with some excellent points here:

-Disable dense ores world in Mystcraft. This is mandatory. Dense Ores breaks things to a ridiculous degree; you can get stacks of the rarest ores in short sessions. You may consider limiting or disabling Mystcraft entirely, except for making specific worlds with balance in mind for users (such as balanced quarry worlds.)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't know if I'd want to make it hardcore, Feed the Beast is a little too expansive for permadeath or extensive deathbans. I think there's nothing wrong with most Mystcraft features but because of how Minecraft loads worlds, every loaded Age would be akin to one very large chunk loader.

It all depends on how big the community should be. I'd like to keep it to a few players, because large player counts trivialize some things as well.

So it seems so far:
Limit Mystcraft (dense ores, storm-inducing symbols, maybe accelerated).
Consider huge biomes.
Nerf Netherrack lava energy to be perhaps somewhere between biomass and biofuel? That way it'd be a plus to use Mass to power a crucible but even more beneficial to convert it to Fuel instead. Omicron suggests 16k cost.
Nerf solid fuel boilers, perhaps?

How do you guys feel about the solar panels? The highest tier solar panel gives 512EU/t during the day and 64EU/t at night. That averages to 288EU/t, which is about the same as a well-designed nuclear reactor give or take some, but NEVER requires fuel. I'd have to disable the Eternal Day symbol as well otherwise players could use eternal day with the IDSU. The more people skip night by sleeping, the faster this average approaches 512EU/t.

Realistically, the deal with solar panels in the real world is that, they provide effectively infinite energy (the sun is going to outlast the panels in any realistic world situation) but they take up SO MUCH LAND. Huge flat areas of solar panels required to power anything large-scale. To let a single-block generator bring in the power you expect from nuclear fission for no fuel whatsoever is fairly OP, even if it has a significant crafting cost.

Advanced solar panels were originally designed to prevent the server lag caused by bunches of individual solar panels, but they've scaled too high in my opinion.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
should remove advanced solars entirely in my opinion.
With gregtech set to hard mode the basic ones are so expensive compared to their output that most people will seek to not abuse them so much except for places where they only need a trickle of constant EU's rather than running anything major.
You can get the same effect as solar panels with far less lag with a peat bog and generators. you can feed the peat beast once every couple of days and then more or less foreget about it for a while.

I wish there was a IC addon that turned solar panels into a multi block structure that acted as one instead. that way the land grab with many panels would not cause so much lag, but still make logical sense. because those advanced solars don't make sense at all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm... If I may add...

nerf quarries and not allow landmarks to increase the size (or limit the size of them).

Also, some time ago I remember reading a plugin or something that was capable of making stone cave-in when you tried to mine (may have been a tekkit plugin). Plus make stone really difficult to break even with diamond, a little faster with drills. Nerf mining lazers making it more expensive to utilize other modes other than single....

Jeez, I can think of quite a few things to make FTB hellish and difficult...

Pigmen. Always. Hostile.

I would play. denouttaden.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
Also, some time ago I remember reading a plugin or something that was capable of making stone cave-in when you tried to mine (may have been a tekkit plugin). Plus make stone really difficult to break even with diamond, a little faster with drills. Nerf mining lazers making it more expensive to utilize other modes other than single....
It's called TerraFirma craft. And it makes MC harder than vanilla several times across the board.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
psssh. Nerf quarries? More like remove them entirely. In the buildcraft config file, set mining to false. All BC mining gear (the quarry, the filler, the builder, the well) are massively OP compared to anything else.

Don't forget to make the block breaker require tungsten in the gregtech config (when the full release of FTB including redpower is released)

Mystcraft world creation should be admin-only, too many easy abuses otherwise.

Advanced solars and quantum armor are regulated by gregtech. If each piece of UU-matter costs 16.6 million energy and a ton of scrap, you won't be seeing either one soon by legitimate players. (are there known duping bugs yet? FTB is a pretty complex modpack, and dupe bugs have been present in every version of tekkit)

But if 16.6 million energy is too little, you can always boost it in the config file. The server "Industrial Rage" is an old and once a very large and popular server. It had the energy cost per uum set to 500 million EU each.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I would definitaly, play, I will be watching to see if the server goes up, I would probably play for most of the day most days if it went up :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
I suppose, remove CC, TE, RP2 to. Unless it's possible to remove frames from RP2 by config.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In 1.4.2, the uncrafting bench or whatever it's called had a duping bug in SMP. I haven't played it on 1.4.5 SMP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know a few servers all ready doing this and mine does this. Most hate it few of us stay and enjoy the fun. Still working on getting a fusion reactor up and running my self week 2 and just made the block need the coils now.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know a few servers all ready doing this and mine does this. Most hate it few of us stay and enjoy the fun. Still working on getting a fusion reactor up and running my self week 2 and just made the block need the coils now.
Mind if you PM me the IP? I would like to hop on and see =)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Plus make stone really difficult to break even with diamond, a little faster with drills. Nerf mining lazers making it more expensive to utilize other modes other than single....

Jeez, I can think of quite a few things to make FTB hellish and difficult...
That would just make the game unbearably tedious, not difficult...
Huge Biomes also tend to make game harder.
This would also add tedium, not difficulty.

Difficulty isn't "it takes 50 years to punch a single log of wood lolololololol".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That would just make the game unbearably tedious, not difficult...

Isn't that what gregtech does? Anyways, you want to change something you start by removing free power. Solar panels, windmills, watermills, geothermal generators and so forth. Disabling portal gun, just a cheat mod, doesn't matter how much you turn it around. Just because a lot of people use it doesn't mean it's any less cheating. Disabling computercraft or restrict writing of scripts entirely. It's so op just mentioning it makes my eyes roll. No script making and you'd have a set of scripts that you're allowed to use. Wouldn't dare to touch RP2, elo does not like people meddling with her mod.

Then again... once you really get down in the dirt of removing op things, you start to lose people and less become interested, why? Because you're bound to "nerf" something someone uses and they don't like that. Gregtech is just a bunch of bandaid fixes to OTHER peoples mods, how about you start FIX your own crap first. They're not real fixes to the core issues. All his fixing does is increase the time it takes for someone to make something. That's it. That's not the way you do it... Materials, resources... sheesh, when are they ever a concern beside at the "beginning" of the game. Quarries, op turtles, automatic mining, frame quarries, pick your poison. You want to have fun, you start removing peoples ability to automate things.

Then just for the "lulz" you remove the ability to knock trees down with your fists.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
More feedback than I was expecting. Looks like this is something I should definitely try to put together; perhaps, when I'm not traveling abroad (I get home sometime in January) I'll throw a NA-based server for this together.