How can I advertise my server when Reddit is not an option?


Active Member
Nov 30, 2013

I am one of two owners of a Minecraft server that was once reasonably popular. Unfortunately, as we don't reset the map unless absolutely necessary, many players leave after they have completed what they want to in the packs that we offer. Until about 3 months ago, this was okay as we were able to bring in new players from /r/feedthebeastservers regularly. That was, until they banned my server with an unsubstantiated accusation of vote manipulation. They claim that they have evidence, but refuse to show it, and have repetitively and throughly violated Reddit's global moderator guidelines. Reddit's administration is not responsive to our reports.

Since then, my server has tried to sustain itself off of other subreddits that focus on non-modded Minecraft servers, and by posting to as many server lists as possible, along with the server lists on this website. This, however, has been ineffective as server lists require votes or money, both of which require an existing player base, we don't know how to rank well on this website (again, without having a large number of players to write reviews).

We tried talking to the FTB team about creating a more fair server list, that attempts to rank servers as accurately as possible and without any bias like that we are seeing in the server list subreddit for who knows what, or in the case of server lists for whoever pays them, but the terms of the FTB team for working with us in this way, while reasonable, aren't within our capability to meet.

Surely /r/feedthebeastservers isn't the only practical way to advertise a server, as I see popular (not promoted via money) servers on server lists and servers with plenty of reviews on this website, but I don't know how they manage it. Before we hit this major road block, many of the players on my server said that it was one of the best that they had ever seen, and I want to make sure that it stays available for future players. As such, I come to my fellow server owners for advice: how can I prevent my server from dying, even when advertising on /r/feedthebeastservers is not an option?