Horizons III Concise Mods List for Reference

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I was just trying to get my head around all the mods available in Horizons III so I created this list with short descriptions. Maybe somebody else will find it useful.

Major mod packs
Astral Sorcery: magic. Marble, aquamarine
BiblioCraft: storage, shelves, display. Vanilla wood types.
Calculator: storage, RF generation, Crop growth, unbreakable tools, food, growable fuels, grenade. Lapis, Circuits. Upgrades with Energy & Speed Upgrades.
Deep Resonance: power generation, crystal based, can cause pollution
Embers: Dwarven magic and tech. Slay ancient golem, last blow with a pick to get eye of the ancients.
Environmental Tech: mid- to late-game multiblock machines. Power gen. Void miners, solar panels, lightning rods
EvilCraft: magic/tech. Blood
Industrial Foregoing: tech. Plastic
Integrated Dynamics: build network for complex automation and system integration. Menril. Follow tutorial in manual. Combines with refined storage.
Mob Totems: magic. Book + bone = manual.
Refined Storage: mass storage. Silicon.
Roots 2: natural magic. Moonlight herbs, lots of spells
Silent's Gems: gems, tool, gadgets
Storage Drawers: interactive comparment storage for your workshops
The Lost Cities: new dimension to access put bed on 2 diamond blocks, surround by 6 skulls, then sleep.
Thermal Cultivation
Thermal Dynamics
Thermal Expansion

Helpful Utilities
/dank/null: collect and holds stacks up to a limit then auto-deletes excess
Better Builder's Wands
Blockcraftery: slants and slant corners, apply an texture to blocks.
Chisel: a builder's best friend
Compact Machines: small rooms inside blocks for your contraptions
Cooking for Blockheads
Cyclic: fire charm, air charm, etc. These wear out with usage. Tons of other useful items
Dark Utilities: vector plates, camoflauge blocks, ender hopper (like vacuum), null charm deletes blocks in inventory
Ember Tanks: dimensional liquid tanks
Farming for Blockheads: chicken nest (egg collection), feeding trough, fertilizer
Flat-colored blocks: more blocks for building
Light Level Overlay: display light levels, F4 to toggle on/off. Shift-F4 to toggle block/sky. Ctrl-F4 to toggle display mode.
Long Fall Boots: negates fall damage
Modular Routers: item transport and manipulation. Place blocks, break blocks, sorting, remote inventory
Morph-o-Tool: onmi-wrench
Multi-Storage: dimensional storage, hidden storage, junk, stacking. Vaults.
Ranged Pumps: collect liquid from 64 blocks in every direction. ex. middle of lava lake in nether
Redstone Arsenal: rf-powered tools and armor
Redstone paste: redstone on any surface
Requilary: magic items. Void tear holds huge number of single item (cobble)
RF Lux: lighting controlled by redstone and RF
Thut's Elevators
XNet: networking cable can transport items, fluids, energy and information huge distances
XTones: building blocks
YABBA: barrels to store 1 item type, but many items
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