High Speed Rail

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I seem to remember when using high speed rail track a long time ago the speed of the cart that was defined by the high speed booster track/ transition track was kept constant until it was reduced at the other end of the h.s track, but now it seems the speed reduces as you are moving along the h.s track. I've tried putting booster/transition track along the way but it just blows up. Was this changed recently by CovertJaguar or am I doing something wrong, also if it has been changed could someone tell me how to remedy the situation, any help would be appreciated, thanks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There was a bug a while ago causing explosions while traveling on HS rail, but that has been fixed I believe in the builds. If you are exploding when transitioning between HS and normal rail, you may not have enough transition track in place to slow down sufficiently. This can sometime take multiple sections of track.

Edit: just realized you were placing the HS boosters in the track line (instead of just the beginning). I think it may take several of them together to boost you to full speed, but I'm not sure as I haven't used them myself.

Also, you might want to try using the chunk loaders in a line to keep the track chunks loaded. I've heard about some weird bugs with loading chunks and HS rail in the past, though I think most of those are fixed now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'd love it if there was a way of measuring minecart speed, that would help me out a lot here