help with ultimate pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
when i open the ultimate pack, everything works fine, but when i try to enter a world it's just sits at the world loading screen forever, and sometimes ftb quits. here's the pasebin to my logs, including a bunch of tries. the bottom is what appeared at the last crash. if anyone has any idea what to do, i'd really appreciate the help. thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError occurred dispatching signal Unknown Signal to handler- the VM may need to be forcibly terminated

Seems like you're running out of memory :p. How much ram do you have allocated?

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
Problem #1
  • You have it installed to the desktop..... (.../Users/adamlibresco/Desktop/...)
Step one on the road to recovery
  • In the option menu, select the install folder and change it to "c:\FTB\"
Re-try and see if you still have the problem... IF YOU DO.....

  • Close the launcher.
  • Reopen the launcher
  • Re-attempt to enter the world ONCE.
  • Upon crash, do not reattempt, don't even re-open the launcher.
  • Just post both the crash-log and console-log to pastebin, link to them here, and I will see what I can do.

Good luck.
-Cheers :D[DOUBLEPOST=1362462120][/DOUBLEPOST]
How much ram do you have allocated?
... um
Line #69 in pastebin log....
pastebin said:
[21:14:12] [INFO] MinecraftLauncher.setMemory:116: Setting MaxMemory to 2304


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Problem #1
  • You have it installed to the desktop..... (.../Users/adamlibresco/Desktop/...)
Step one on the road to recovery

  • In the option menu, select the install folder and change it to "c:\FTB\"
Re-try and see if you still have the problem... IF YOU DO.....

  • Close the launcher.
  • Reopen the launcher
  • Re-attempt to enter the world ONCE.
  • Upon crash, do not reattempt, don't even re-open the launcher.
  • Just post both the crash-log and console-log to pastebin, link to them here, and I will see what I can do.
Good luck.
-Cheers :D[DOUBLEPOST=1362462120][/DOUBLEPOST]
... um
Line #69 in pastebin log....

Then explain this? Yes I realized that I could have looked into it more which I failed to do, but you should have yourself as well... :p.

This occurred on both line 921 and 1757
  1. [21:24:31] [INFO] MinecraftLauncher.setMemory:116: Setting MaxMemory to 4096


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok Booker i changed the folder and basically it just re-downloaded it in that folder. however, when i do that, java opens in 1.7 (i have a mac). usually when i open feb, i type into terminal
cd Desktop
export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home
java -jar FTB_Launcher.jar
and i even added "cd c:\ftb\" in the correct place but it's still opening in 1.7 and not working at all.
additionally, it appears as if the official ultimate pack just came out (i was using the private one before), and it's failing just as much. so now, no matter what i do, i can't even get as far as i did before, and now there's simply a white screen as fml works, and i never even get to the minecraft start screen.
i'm attaching a console-log here of me trying to do the official ultimate pack from desktop (i've run all my other packs from desktop and they work fine), so here that is:
(most of the log is red)

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
Then explain this? Yes I realized that I could have looked into it more which I failed to do, but you should have yourself as well... :p.

This occurred on both line 921 and 1757
  1. [21:24:31] [INFO] MinecraftLauncher.setMemory:116: Setting MaxMemory to 4096
..oops. lol

ok now it's working slightly better it's at least getting to the start-up, but i still cant load the world. here's the complete console log, with only one instance. hope you can help!
I am looking into it..

i also get on the building world screen
Could you please also upload your console log to pastebin?

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
Pastebin..... Not attachment..... :)

  1. Update Java, Follow the link in my sig (The on that says "THIS") and follow the first set of instructions.
  2. Do not install the FTB launcher to the desktop... Set the install path to "C:\FTB\"
    • FTB has issues with the desktop
    • FTB has issues with path that have spaces (...Desktop\feed the beast\Ultimate\...)
After these steps... Still any issue? If so...
  1. Re-post the new log to pastebin and link to it here please

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
You're on a mac, C:\FTB\ is a path for windows users only.
Just pick a path where your user has write access to. For ex /Users/{insert-username-here}/FTB/
Thanks... would that be the same as ~\FTB ?

UHG, still nothing, it starts to load, then gets stuck on loading world......
How long does it sit their? Or... How long have you let it sit their before you close it?

Questions for you about mac's
  • Can you change the priority of a process? (windows, through the task manager can change priority)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How long does it sit their? Or... How long have you let it sit their before you close it?
For about 10 minutes, I walked off at one point to get a cup of coffee.

Questions for you about mac's
  • Can you change the priority of a process? (windows, through the task manager can change priority)
I can honestly say I have no idea about that.

Booker The Geek

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
Pacific North West, USA
Since your on a mac...

  • Change the install directory to ~\test\
  • Follow the directions in the post linked in my sig, The one about java parameters.
Retry, and if it does not work, re-post BOTH the console log for that session, and the crash log from the crash log directory. (If their is one.)

Lets see if that works.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ok, sounds good, but uhm, what does that mean to change the install directory to test? I am not good at this.
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