Help With Piping

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Mitchell Lewis

So I keep having this problem with my filter system and I can't figure it out. Basically what is happening is that Im sending smelted ores and some other items to item barrels, but the items don't reach their destination. For example, If I try to send a piece of yellorite to its respective item barrel, instead of following the pipes up to the third row of Cobblestone transport pipes, they go down the first row and flow out at the end. The only destination for the yellorite to go is to the item barrel. Any Ideas? Here's a diagram of what is going on.

10/10 Best picture in Paint.
FTB help.jpg


Buildcraft pipes are in the pain the rear to deal with because of this behavior. You have two options..

A. Pump the items in one LONG line so eventually they ends up in the right barrel with NO junctions.
B. Insert Diamond pipes on junctions to tell what items go where.

Or.. if possible use something else like Itemducts or something that doesn't splits out craps.

Mitchell Lewis

Just looked at what diamond pipes do and they are probably my best bet. Thanks for the help.
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