Help! Turbines arent spinning! (steam transport/production issue)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone,

before I start off heres my current setup:

Basically I'm trying to power two full size turbines with mfr steam boilers (I had 6 36 hp boilers first but those failed to produce the required steam aswell and I read on reddit the mfr steam boilers work better).

So ehh yeah, the whole thing isn't working and I am at a loss as to why (I obviously didnt have the steel tank buffer at first but I figured it might be a server lag thing and was hoping that would help, to no avail however)

Some things I would atleast like to know: -do tesseracts transfer liquids without a max transfer rate? (and perhaps more importantly, do they split output evenly when you ask more than they get supplied?) -do steel valves have a cap on transfer rate? (I'm assuming they don't) -does anyone know how much mb/t a resonant servo can extract steam? (I suspect its 1000 mb/t) -do the mfr steam boilers actually generate 400 mb/t, and if so shouldnt they easily be able to power two 2000 mb/t turbines? -am I cursed or am I failing big time?

Thank you so much for reading/suggesting things.. I've been working on this for the better part of the day (I started out with a full me setup with fluid export busses directly on the tesseract (without a buffertank in between) but I think the server lagged too much for that solution as both turbines could run but kept dropping to 1650 before jumping back to 2000 mb/t. So yeah I feel quite stuck and am at the mercy of reddits' wisdom, thank you once more for reading!

Update#1: when I place a super-laminar pipe on more faces of the tesseract the steam transfered goes up by 600 mb/t per pipe connected (Is this because of the tesseract or am I misunderstanding the pressurized requirement for the super-laminar pipe?).. Feels like progress atleast!

(NB. I also asked this question on reddit but I have yet to find a real solution, so I'm trying here: Reddit post is at: )

tl;dr: I'm failing at setting up a 2nd turbine & the steam production(/transportation) that is required. My current line of reasoning is that mfr steam boilers dont produce 400 mb/t as I've read on other posts. (but I have no idea how much they do produce)

I also think the super-laminar fluiducts transfer limitlessly but are capped to 600 mb/t on each face of a tesseract.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Always had better luck abutting the MFR Steam Boilers directly against Turbine Fluid Ports. They will autoeject steam into adjacent Inventories , so this solves half the throughput dilemma before it's an issue. The MFR Boilers do indeed produce 400mb/t, so you should need five per Turbine .

First things first: double check your Turbine Fluid Ports to make sure they are set to receive rather than send. Make sure you either have adequate water removal (for closes loop systems) or are voiding excess, as a flooded Turbine doesn't work well. After that, we move on to troubleshooting.

I suspect the majority of your issue to be the buffer tank. I don't remember the rate, but I remember Tank Valves having a limited throughput, which may be your bottleneck. Try removing the tank from the equation and see if that helps. As you noticed, TE pipes work on a per connection basis - this is try for extraction and insertion. Due to throughput concerns, I ended up using XU Fluid Transfer Nodes to pull water from the Turbine back to the Boilers - those things can pump obnoxious amounts of water given a few upgrades.

Edit: my signature has a working Steam Boilers setup, used to create infinite power. Feel free to use it to compare.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2013
i think the problem is rather obvious you need more steam. try a big reactor on active cooling? it is built for turbines

have a few aquous accumelators or whatever their name attached to transfer nodes[liquid] with about 60 speed upgrades in them connected to a tesseract that feeds all that water to the reactor


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i think the problem is rather obvious you need more steam. try a big reactor on active cooling? it is built for turbines

have a few aquous accumelators or whatever their name attached to transfer nodes[liquid] with about 60 speed upgrades in them connected to a tesseract that feeds all that water to the reactor

It looks like 36 Steam Boilers in that first picture (36*400=14400 mb/t, enough to run 7 max sized Turbines with steam to spare). The issue isn't simply not enough steam, but a transfer issue to/from the Turbines at a fast enough rate. He has a surplus of steam, yet his Turbines are starved for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Always had better luck abutting the MFR Steam Boilers directly against Turbine Fluid Ports. They will autoeject steam into adjacent Inventories , so this solves half the throughput dilemma before it's an issue.

This. ^^^^^^^ I always make a 3x9x9 Big Reactor and place it in between two max-sized 16x9x9 Turbines, and butt the respective ports against one another on each side of the reactor. For water, a Liquid Transfer Node sitting atop the middle of a 3x3 still pool of water has always been more than enough for this 2 Turbine setup (just add a few World Interaction Upgrades). In fact, the reactor output is far too much with 3 columns of Gelid Cryotheum in between the 4 columns of 7-tall fuel rods, and so I generally lower the control rods manually to around 40% or thereabouts, enough so that the reactor runs at around 500 degrees in order to burn fuel at a lower rate - plenty of steam this way to run 2 Turbines that can output 28K RF/t each using 32 Ludicrite blocks as Coils.

But even if you use Railcraft boilers instead of a Big Reactor to make the steam, the concept stays the same - follow what Inaeo said.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
If you're not extracting and it's got all 57 exterior blocks covered, a single RC HP steam boiler should be able to run a turbine no problem. Theoretically of course.

If you simply can't get enough steam throughput, try a Fluid Retrieval Node from Extra Utilities, with a couple of stacks of Speed Upgrades. That should provide enough fluid input for your turbine to run.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you're not extracting and it's got all 57 exterior blocks covered, a single RC HP steam boiler should be able to run a turbine no problem. Theoretically of course.

If you simply can't get enough steam throughput, try a Fluid Retrieval Node from Extra Utilities, with a couple of stacks of Speed Upgrades. That should provide enough fluid input for your turbine to run.

I'm not sure where you got that impression, but it isn't close to being correct.

A 36HP Boiler produces 720mb/t steam. To run a single max sized Turbine, you would need three (with a bit of extra steam left over) 36HP Boilers. This is significantly more expensive to build, as well as more expensive to fuel than the MFR Boilers OP is using (400mb/t, so five to feed a Turbine). He has more than enough steam being generated if he feeds that wall of Boilers enough fuel and water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019

40mb/t per block is correct. The big advantage to RC Boilers is that they only require 100mb/t of water to make 720mb/t steam. This is much more reasonable than the water supply bottleneck that can occur with MFR Boilers. The MFR Boilers (according to the wiki) also use 100mb/t of water, but with an extra two to feed per Turbine, it can be troublesome at times.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Then a boiler could eject 2280mb/t if all 57 exterior boiler faces were covered with fluid transports. Which is what I was attempting to say. My fault for not making myself clearer.

The fact that it's not possible for it to generate that much is the actual issue. Which generates their steam faster? The RC Boilers at max heat? Or the MFR ones? MFR is technically a superior setup because with ten ports, you can put the MFR boilers into a closed loop.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Then a boiler could eject 2280mb/t if all 57 exterior boiler faces were covered with fluid transports. Which is what I was attempting to say. My fault for not making myself clearer.

The fact that it's not possible for it to generate that much is the actual issue. Which generates their steam faster? The RC Boilers at max heat? Or the MFR ones? MFR is technically a superior setup because with ten ports, you can put the MFR boilers into a closed loop.

Assuming the Boiler was a block of infinite capacity, this may math out (might not, depending on what mods fluid transfer you were using). Unfortunately, the RC Boiler will never contain enough steam to test - nor should it without exploding.

I'm uncertain as to what you mean by "generates it's steam faster.". MFR takes significantly less time to heat up to usable temperatures, thus can produce steam faster from a cold start. Two MFR Boilers will outperform a 36HP in every competition that doesn't involve a crater due to mismanaged chunkloading of the water supply, but that might be configurable now too.

Edit: On second thought, the RC Boiler will eject it's entire contents off a single face if given enough bandwidth (Tesseract for instance). Then the other faces would have nothing to push out. This leaves us back at the before mentioned 720/t max.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
If each block of the boiler, which has an outside face accessible to a fluid conduit, was covered on each face with a conduit, it's pushing 40mb/t out each face. A max size boiler has 57 external faces (12*4+9), multiplied by 40mb, and it could thus passively output 2280mb/t. Also? The HP boiler has a capacity of 1,156,000 steam. That's more than enough to test with. That said, I'm wondering if the max of 720mb/t is with the latest versions after the rebalance of them in v6.

MFR going from 0 to steam is what I was wondering.