Hello Everyone

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello FTB players, I am an active poster on the Technic Forums and have owned a Tekkit Classic server for about half a year. I am here to research about migrating to FTB, as it is updated to 1.4.7 and contains everything my members/staff want. Most big youtubers play FTB and it would bring lots more members to my server, compared to tekkit classic being 1.3. I made this account a few months ago for the same reason but never actually switched because the server administration options back then were not good enough for me.

I have been reading many topics and so far MCPC+ looks like a perfect option until forge gets an actual plugin system. I'll be working with it on a private test server and hopefully get it running with all the plugins I need and no errors. I am used to LogBlock (used it on many servers for over a year) and changing will be a bit of a hassle but easily worth it :p

Anyway, i'll see you around the forums :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
^spambot? Or confused poster o_O

Thanks for the welcome Ash :)
I think ill be changing the server to MindCrack w/MCPC+, and making a big tutorial on the pack with the rest of staff for youtube :D
Could you just link me to a topic on getting started? (what things need to be banned/patched, things that are usually banned but controversial like collectors were?)
My journey of learning all the updated mods/ones not in tekkit begins :p

EDIT: Got a server with MindCrack and MCPC+ setup, didn't see any errors but I can't test anything/setup plugins until I get home :/