So i set up my quarry and everything is working fine but the engine I am using to power it is getting all the dirt and ore the the quarry digs up. What is happening here! Forums wont let me add a screenshot. Please help.
The quarry puts stuff it mines up in adjacent inventories and doesn't care, if that is an engine or a pipe or chest. So don't pur your engine directly close to the quarry, use buildcraft pipes or energy conduits to seperate the two.
No, just no. I use magmatic engines directly connected to the quarry all day long and I don't have that issue whatsoever. The quarry deposits the items from the top, so I am guessing you have an engine on the top? Then engine has to be on the side and a buildcraft pipe/item tesseract on the top
So i set up my quarry and everything is working fine but the engine I am using to power it is getting all the dirt and ore the the quarry digs up. What is happening here! Forums wont let me add a screenshot. Please help.