Having quarry issues please help!

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Michael Corbett

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i set up my quarry and everything is working fine but the engine I am using to power it is getting all the dirt and ore the the quarry digs up. What is happening here! Forums wont let me add a screenshot. Please help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quarry puts stuff it mines up in adjacent inventories and doesn't care, if that is an engine or a pipe or chest. So don't pur your engine directly close to the quarry, use buildcraft pipes or energy conduits to seperate the two.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The quarry puts stuff it mines up in adjacent inventories and doesn't care, if that is an engine or a pipe or chest. So don't pur your engine directly close to the quarry, use buildcraft pipes or energy conduits to seperate the two.

No, just no. I use magmatic engines directly connected to the quarry all day long and I don't have that issue whatsoever. The quarry deposits the items from the top, so I am guessing you have an engine on the top? Then engine has to be on the side and a buildcraft pipe/item tesseract on the top


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It doesn't have to be like that... The quarry will output to any side if necessary. But it's true that the default direction is up.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No, just no. I use magmatic engines directly connected to the quarry all day long and I don't have that issue whatsoever. The quarry deposits the items from the top, so I am guessing you have an engine on the top? Then engine has to be on the side and a buildcraft pipe/item tesseract on the top

Iirc magmatic engines do not have eye-sided inventory with items, so the quarry can't insert into it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Letting us know what engine you use would be a good start. Anyway, just use some conductive piping of conduits between the quarry and your engine and your problem should be solved.

Protip for the next time you ask for help: give all the information. Omitting what type of engine you use is rather silly.

Henry Link

Forum Addict
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
I've seen that problem before when I was using electric engines on my quarry. If it isn't an issue for the engine just let it fill up with cobble or something and don't worry about it. Once the engine is full of cobble everything will go to the chest or pipe you have attached because that is the only inventory the quarry can eject to.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So i set up my quarry and everything is working fine but the engine I am using to power it is getting all the dirt and ore the the quarry digs up. What is happening here! Forums wont let me add a screenshot. Please help.

As others have pointed out, you can try moving the engine so it's not directly attached to the quarry, e.x. golden conductive pipe from quarry to wooden conductive pipe to engine.

The default output for items is the top. You can stick a chest on top or pipes on the top, and they don't have to be wooden with a redstone engine to pump them out.

As you have learned already, quarries are very good at pushing/ejecting items without help !

As for items, if you don't have yet or don't want Item Tesseracts or Ender Chests, you can use a single diamond pipe attached to the quarry to filter out the excess stuff you don't need, ex: cobblestone, dirt, gravel, sand. etc.,. and then feed that into a void pipe. This drastically cuts down on what gets deposited to whatever inventory or item management system you have in place to deal with the quarry output.

Michael Corbett

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you guys it worked. I guess they changed things up at 1.5.2. I saw old set ups with electrical engines near the quarry


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That works fine, it's what I do... put the engine on the quarry's outside face and the pipes out from the top. You don't need anything else to touch the quarry. Slap a lever next to the engine and provide power.

... Won't be the fastest quarry around, but it works. I prefer to use a commercial or industrial steam engine, myself, with a small LP boiler to feed it.