Have you looked at "debug" level notifications lately?

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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
You ever notice how much isn't quite playing nice with anything else?

(Hint, right now, very little)

On light, 1.2.3, just as an example:

2 pages of the packpacks failing to have items added

just as an example.

You ever wonder how much trouble it would be to fix these mods to work together without complaining?

Good. Now thank the mod pack team. Because of them, you don't have to.

Thank you.

Hay, I remember there being pages of yellow, and many lines of red, back in the original beta pack. I've looked at debug at least a few times with each new release and I've watched light get down to fewer and fewer. Meanwhile the ways for a config to go wrong are more and more with every pack and change.

As much as I might grumble, it's nothing less then a minor miracle that light launches, much less anything larger, you folks should be able to use that to advance you towards sainthood.
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