Generating ALL the power

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So, I want to get to the point of automating the creation of every item possible to automate. To do this, I will of course need a lot of power. I play on Monster with Gregtech installed as well. I do plan on getting a fusion reactor, but again, I need tons of power to pump into it to jump start it. So, ideas? I have a steam boiler from Railcraft, and around twenty thermal generators powering most of my base. Also, no "Gregtech is bad" comments. >.>


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MORE BOILERS! The steam god demands more steam boilers! STEAM FOR THE STEAM GOD.

Just multiply what you already have. Make more thermals and hook it up to a second pump/endertank combo.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I getting bored of it but I feel like MFR Farm with Boilers and then depends on if you need EU or RJ/MJ engines etc is the most easyest way you can go. (talking for DW20 pack dindn´t know the new Monster packs)

What I do is:
MFR Farm: 2x2 Jungel Tree gives a huge amount of jungel wood
Jungel wood into Sawmils (you will need like 5 of them to make all wood to planks)
and Planks to 36 HP Boilers
18 Steamdynamos for each boiler
and 1 tesseract for each 18 Dynamos.

IF you want a better overview about how I set it up let me know and I do some Screens.

I¨m able to feed 6x 36 HP Boilers with ONE MFR farm.

Still need more power? Do a other farm.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MORE BOILERS! The steam god demands more steam boilers! STEAM FOR THE STEAM GOD.

Just multiply what you already have. Make more thermals and hook it up to a second pump/endertank combo.
Bah, the seam god is weak, The gods of the atom can provide all of the (IC2) power you will ever require although my grasp of gregtech's nuclear stuff is non-existent. Vanilla IC2 stuff can be quite nice, and uranium has been buffed a bit (it lasts longer unless gregtech changes it).

Build your empire upon the atom, irradiate your base today!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Might go for both options, boiler and a nuke. Only problem is persuading my friend who I share base with to let me. My last nuke didn't go so well...but that was because of a bug in gregtech at the time I believe more then a fault in my design since it had been a Mark 1 and I watched it like a hawk.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you have GT, you have a block from GT that lets you see how your designs will work(reactor designs I mean), including how long they will take before they explode(if they will), energy output, heat, etc etc.

All in all, very useful block. It's a computer of some kind(I forget the actual name).

I would naturally suggest trying out various Magic mods for power systems. One of them is Blood Magic, which is pretty damn cool. Two things you may want to look into it for: Lava Crystals, which use your LP(?) to cook things, also heats things that can use generic furnace fuel, so powering your base with nothing more then your own life power is a thing(and a really cool thing at that!).
A second thing to look into is the Ritual of the Nether(something like that, anyway), which spawns a block of lava for 5,000 LP IIRC. Not cheap, but then again, free(ish) lava? It's a pretty good deal IMO.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bees producing Redstone and a glowstone farm will give you pretty much unlimited RF and is efficient to boot. I'd aim for that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With regards to GT and nuclear, the ComputerCube and all the 2nd tier reactor stuff is all broken since IC2 went Experimental. Basically, just the regular IC2 nuclear stuff is valid right now. Any standard Mark 1 should be just fine. IC2 Exp also added the RTG reactor, which is a non-consuming reactor using spent fuels. Generates 1-16EU/t iirc. Afraid I don't have a link for it, but DW20 did some a few seasons ago in his Server play. (and I'm not at home to load up my last world to recall how it all works). Oh and make sure you Always wear your Hazmat suit and scuba mask and rubber boots while handling processed Uranium. Otherwise you will die. Quickly.

Has anyone done a cost / benefit analysis for Steam Boilers to Commercial Steam Engines vs Steam Dynamos?

If you're powering your base I can see where having a base RF infrastructure works, but if you want to Tesseract power to quarries, guess you have to start with RF.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Steam Dynamos are now equal to Industrial Steam Engines in output, and by default are slightly cheaper to make, and are less lag inducing as well (no sound or animations). They also won't need wooden pipes, so the overall boiler structure can be more compact as well.

With TE's config options you can make the Dynamo more expensive to craft than the ISE fairly easily, I believe, for those who desire it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
With regards to GT and nuclear, the ComputerCube and all the 2nd tier reactor stuff is all broken since IC2 went Experimental. Basically, just the regular IC2 nuclear stuff is valid right now. Any standard Mark 1 should be just fine. IC2 Exp also added the RTG reactor, which is a non-consuming reactor using spent fuels. Generates 1-16EU/t iirc. Afraid I don't have a link for it, but DW20 did some a few seasons ago in his Server play. (and I'm not at home to load up my last world to recall how it all works). Oh and make sure you Always wear your Hazmat suit and scuba mask and rubber boots while handling processed Uranium. Otherwise you will die. Quickly.

Has anyone done a cost / benefit analysis for Steam Boilers to Commercial Steam Engines vs Steam Dynamos?

If you're powering your base I can see where having a base RF infrastructure works, but if you want to Tesseract power to quarries, guess you have to start with RF.
Aye, the RTG takes MOX Fuel IIRC and generates a trickle of EU.(1 eu/t for every correct fuel in it, caps at 16/t)
The fact that Nuclear Fuel in IC2 kills you so freaking fast is insane. I'm almost sure that's an actual bug. I suggest one gets UE Atomic Science instead, which while is not as powerful, I guess, as an IC2 reactor in of that it doesn't tend to generate plutonium, it also is harder to die from its stuff. Also way cooler. Some suggest using Big Reactors, which seems like a good idea as well. They output RF(by default) and are pretty cool. I know most get about 500 RF from them, some get 1000+ RF. Very cool mod for those who like Multiblock structures.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aye, the RTG takes MOX Fuel IIRC and generates a trickle of EU.(1 eu/t for every correct fuel in it, caps at 16/t).

Just a quick note: the radioisotope thermoelectric generator take RTG pellets which produce 2^(n-1) eu where n is the number of pellets, so 1 pellet=1 eu 2=2 3=4 5=16.

MOX is for the regular IC2 reactors, it gets more efficient the hotter the reactor is, the mad scientists good people over at the IC2 forums have some reactor designs up to take advantage of MOX fuel.

Both RTG and MOX require plutonium which at present unless gregtech adds a way can only be acquired from spent fuel rods in the centrifuge.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a quick note: the radioisotope thermoelectric generator take RTG pellets which produce 2^(n-1) eu where n is the number of pellets, so 1 pellet=1 eu 2=2 3=4 5=16.

MOX is for the regular IC2 reactors, it gets more efficient the hotter the reactor is, the mad scientists good people over at the IC2 forums have some reactor designs up to take advantage of MOX fuel.

Both RTG and MOX require plutonium which at present unless gregtech adds a way can only be acquired from spent fuel rods in the centrifuge.
D'oh! Serves me right for posting while unpacking the groceries! Yeah, that stuff is pretty cool. Also, caps out at 5 RTG fuel? That's crazy, son.

Also GT had a way to get plutonium ages ago. Now, they likely still do, but it was tossed by the wayside with the IC2-EX branch revamping Nuclear Reactors(again...).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
D'oh! Serves me right for posting while unpacking the groceries! Yeah, that stuff is pretty cool. Also, caps out at 5 RTG fuel? That's crazy, son.

Also GT had a way to get plutonium ages ago. Now, they likely still do, but it was tossed by the wayside with the IC2-EX branch revamping Nuclear Reactors(again...).
Yes 5 RTG pellets per radio isotope generator, but it is 16 EU/t forever. You would end up having to make a bunch of them, but they run from the leftovers of running reactors, so you need to being running reactors for a while to get them. Kind of a nice bonus to a semi limited resource.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes 5 RTG pellets per radio isotope generator, but it is 16 EU/t forever. You would end up having to make a bunch of them, but they run from the leftovers of running reactors, so you need to being running reactors for a while to get them. Kind of a nice bonus to a semi limited resource.
Semi-Limited Resource? What resource? If you mean Uranium, boy, let me tell you about my Bees!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was just too tempting...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
this time around on my next server restart im doing over the weekend to help save on server performance I am banning power plants and will gift people creative battery box.

no more tree farms and massive power plants to add to the tick rate lag any more. after all we all know we can build them no need to show off something every one has of the same thing XD


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It was just too tempting...
For you at may well be like this:
For me, and I'm sure others, it's more like this:
Also can someone suggest a better meme generating site? I hate watermarks.


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2013
With gregtech, the fusion reactor is the one to aim for, silly amounts of power. I'm playing with big reactors at the moment as well, for some RF output reactor goodness. It's a really nice mod to play with.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, I've set up four Big Reactors so far, with two running at all times and the other two being turned on when needed. Unfortunately, not enough to run my MFR laser drill(which I know can take at least a steam boiler full of power for each precharger). I'm in the process of setting up gregtech power with methane using a netherwart farm and a potato farm, on with steves carts and the other with a MFR planter/harvester. With the potato farm, I have a lilypad of fertility set up with it and a lamp of growth from Thaumcraft. But I'm not yet done. I want to be able power a couple industrial grinders at full tilt and have no worries about power(full overclock, full transformer upgrades).[DOUBLEPOST=1390938529][/DOUBLEPOST]
Yes 5 RTG pellets per radio isotope generator, but it is 16 EU/t forever. You would end up having to make a bunch of them, but they run from the leftovers of running reactors, so you need to being running reactors for a while to get them. Kind of a nice bonus to a semi limited resource.
I haven't gotten an IC2 reactor quite yet. Still waiting on an okay from my house mate.[DOUBLEPOST=1390938560][/DOUBLEPOST]
Bees producing Redstone and a glowstone farm will give you pretty much unlimited RF and is efficient to boot. I'd aim for that.
Haven't played with bees before. Perhaps I'll look into that!