Open Server | Feed the Beast [Bukkit] [No Lag] [Direwolf20 v5]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome to the Game-Pioneers Feed the beast server.
IP :
We provide a no lag 50 slot server.
Have you ever played on a feed the beast server with no protection and when you log off and log back on the next day, All your stuff is gone? Don't worry. On the GPi FTB server we have full protection customized for ftb so that will never happen here.
We are also running ForgeBukkit so we have all the capabilities and protection as a normal vanilla server would without there being any hassle or glitches with bad ports to bukkit.
We have a few rules and a few banned items to make your experience alot better.
  1. No Racism, Homophobia or Sexism
  2. No Hacking or Exploiting
  3. Respect Players and Admins
  4. No Griefing
  5. No Spamming
  6. No Asking for Admin
  7. No Advertising
  1. Gravity Gun
  2. Nukes
  3. ITNT
  4. Mining Laser
  5. Mystcraft
  6. Chunk Loaders
  7. Canvas Bags