FTBBETA-A existing servers

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've made inquiries the past week or more in the FTB IRC channel and in Slowpokes live streams but can't get an answer. I have checked the support section of FTB also.


FTB was released using the FTBBETA mod pack. Many server owners started and still have their servers running using this pack.

In the recent past, we've seen the Mindcrack and Direwolf20 packs released and updated to the 1.4.6 version. Slowpoke announced that Tom Syndicate has arranged for his own modpack.

Everyone has been excited and waiting for most of the mods in the newer packs like RP2, Thaumcraft, etc...

The server I use belongs to a Youtube partnered through Maker Studio, but is not by any means as popular as the aforementioned. Regardless, he has put a lot of time into the server and his current LP.

The recent update states:

FTBBetaA: The first test pack that was released. This pack will be phased out over the next month or two.

FTB Ultimate: Waiting on further mods to be updated and released to the public.
ETA: Unknown

Is the Ultimate pack the one to replace existing FTBBETA worlds?

I've made my best attempt to watch the live streams to get solid information and have asked many times only to be ignored in the sea of viewers or even chastised for asking. Needless to say, we are getting a little nervous about putting anymore time into the current mod pack world.

We definitely want to keep Mystcraft, Twilight Forest, and many other mods that aren't in either of the other two released packs concurrently.


I'll give my opinion also shared by the server owner I play with:

FTBBETA was the first mod pack released to the public which many servers started (public & white listed).

It should have been the first to get updated or infused with the newer available 1.4.6 mods. Many server owners took chances starting worlds that members have put ungodly amount of hours into. I think we all know how much time can be used doing something you love. At the same time, I think we also know how passionate people can get when something they love comes under threat of being taken away.

I have over 2 years experience managing servers in both small and large communities. I helped Junkyard129 run his server for over a year which had over 10K+ members white listed the first year I was there. I remember when we came to a point of having to restart the world, it became very dramatic and painful in the community because of how much time and love was put into the individual or group based builds.

I do believe I heard slowpoke mention tools to be available for world conversion/upgrades but can't find anything solid on the subject.

Regardless of the answer, I would sincerely appreciate a straight answer from the staff of FTB. While community responses are appreciated, I do not want to rely on rumor or personal opinions anymore. So, with no disrespect intended, please let the staff state the facts.

In closing:

I'd like to thank the FTB team along with all the Mod authors for putting together such a clean package.

I am a 53 year old retired Marine (disabled veteran - quadriplegic). I keep my body and mind busy in many ways. FTB has been one of the ways I've chose to use my time since it's release. I have no regrets but, if there is no point in continuing with our current world (started and active with FTBBETA-A), then please let us know now so we don't put any more love into lost cause.


Mark Munson
SGT, USMC, Retired
Disabled Veteran

[Edit]: Moderators - if I put this in the wrong section, please move. tnx
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Hi Mark,

Your message was so well spoken, I just had to signup and agree with you, and second your request for a statement regarding the future of our worlds.

The FTBBETA modpack vanished from the launcher today -- so I can't get to the world I spent 40 or 50 hours building with friends; the world I was just starting to use to do a long series of mod spotlight videos to help other players learn the cool industrial gadgets.

PLEASE, ftb team, continue to support our worlds in some fashion. We saw you were building something great, and spawned all these worlds and spread the word to support you, spent weeks bugging everyone to try Feed the Beast ... and now (poof) we're locked out? While the direwolf modpack sounds like fun, our whole Twilight Forest town will vaporize? I know the mods are a very complex set of code entanglements and dependencies, but you've done such a stellar job building a unified launcher for a mind-boggling array of modpacks, please at least leave the FTBBETA modpack there for legacy use. It was more stable than Tekkit, and there's no reason to remove it. If your launcher could build that JAR file yesterday, why not today? If you're willing to keep a retro 1.2.5 throwback around, please don't send your flagship product into limbo without a suitable upgrade.

Think of all the imaginary cats and widgets and zombie villagers you're sending down the drain! ;-)


= scottvee

Note: it's okay to flush those little blue care bears from Twilight Forest, they're sooooo annoying. (j/k)
Quick update. My FTB_Launcher was stuck on 1.1.4 and would not update itself. I manually grabbed 1.1.8 from the FTB home page, and the FTBBETAA modpack is back on the list. In any case, the argument stands: barring some serious legal challenge, we would all appreciate supporting our legacy worlds for as long as is reasonable. I've been having some fun trying other modpacks on singleplayer worlds, but once a dedicated group of players starts building something big, it's a huge blow if it just vanishes one day. Cheers.
It is my understanding from another post a moderator made that with ALL Official FTB modpacks the worlds will be 95% compatible meaning that when you update you should only have to make minimal changes to your world to get them 100% compatible. This means fixing a few block IDs with the use of a tool like mIDas gold or manual config edits. But with the manual edits you will need to get everyone on your server on the same page with their config files. The only real effect on your worlds that leaving them at 95% compatibility would have is you would have some items/blocks in your worlds that have been changed to another block/item or missing due to an unused ID.

I moved my server over from BETA A to mindcrack and if I remember right only one mod had IDs that needed changing.