FTB Unleashed Supershorts

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi Minecrafters!

I'm BinaryGuy10 and I've been running my FTB episodes through a IC2 Compressor and squashing them down to 3-5 minutes each.

I love watching FTB videos, but it always takes so long to see anything happen. I've singled out just the exciting parts and made them into a quick, easy to watch video. Give them a try!

Latest Video

Unleashed Supershort Series
Episode 1: Tardis Cow
Episode 2: Dartcraft Freezes Cows
Episode 3: Creepers & Smelteries
Episode 4: Starting IC2
Episode 5: Nether Hunting for MineFactory Reloaded
Episode 6: Tree Farm Automation
Episode 7: Tree Tweaks and Mining Prep
Episode 8: Remotely Powering a Quarry

Check out my Youtube Channel: BinaryGuy10
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