Title FTB Unleashed doens't launch on my Mac
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack FTB Unleashed
Modpack version 1.1.7
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/53b9da29
Details of the issue I'm using the FTB launcher app.
It used to work.
It doesn't anymore.
I don't know what might have changed.
Mac OS 10.12.6
The launcher just hangs in a black window. I kill it, reboot and try again and no love.
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack FTB Unleashed
Modpack version 1.1.7
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/53b9da29
Details of the issue I'm using the FTB launcher app.
It used to work.
It doesn't anymore.
I don't know what might have changed.
Mac OS 10.12.6
The launcher just hangs in a black window. I kill it, reboot and try again and no love.
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