FTB Unleashed 1.5.2 not loading extra Mods into pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey guys and gals,
So I got a bit of a dilemma on my hands. It seems that my mod pack, Unleashed, won't load any extra mods that aren't already included. When no extra mods are included, FTB Unleashed works fine (with some FPS lag. I'm also posting this because Optifine isn't installing either). I tried installing them from the launcher, by selecting add mod, and I also tried manually dragging them into the mods or instMods. Nothing worked. For example, I wanted to load GregTech into it; I looked at specific tutorials (about 60) to install an external mod, did what they said, but only one of two things would happen, 1. Minecraft would load without the extra mods or, 2. Minecraft would crash, saying that all mods were unloaded and constructed as they should be without a hitch, except for the one or two mods that I just added which would say "errored" instead of constructed.



(P.S. FTB is running on 1.1.7, and my launcher is 1.3.3)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Welcome. Ensure that you are downloading and using the correct version of the mod for the pack. In the case of Unleashed you want the 1.5.2 version of the mod. If you post a log we might be able to figure out what is the error. Note that adding mods, more specifically GregTech, automatically means that official help will be limited.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The console log from the console that opens up when you open the launcher would work. If the console does not appear open the launcher and go to the Options tab. Make sure there are checks in 'Show console?' and 'Reopen launcher after exiting minecraft?' This will allow you to get the error in minecraft and close it while keeping the error in the console. When the launcher and console reopen click on the 'Paste my log to pastebin.com' button. This will add a link to the bottom of the log that you provide to us so we can see your log. If the button times out or gives you an error please copy the text of the console to pastebin.com manually and provide the link it creates for sharing your log. Look here for more info on the logs.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
okay, here: http://pastebin.com/LrYpypEc is the link to the paste bin of mine craft crashing because of gregtech and another mod (forget the name) being added, still unsure why.
Also, if this problem can be solved, could I also add optifine and advanced machinery to unleashed afterwards without this happening??


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay I'm not sure what is happening or causing the error exactly. Which version of the pack are you trying to use? Please do a force update to get base Unleashed. Do not add any other mods at this point, you can enable those mods you did from the disabled list that came with the pack download, such as Biomes O' Plenty, and see if it runs. If it does then try and add GregTech back into the mod pack and see if it runs. Without any modifications I have gotten base 1.1.7 Unleashed and GregTech from Unhinged to work. I even added the mods you enabled that were disabled by default. They did take a while to load, but did not have any errors that prevented me from playing. Once we get GregTech working we can talk try adding Optifine and others one at a time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im using 1.5.2 of the mod pack and the mods. I've force updated 3 times, but it still wont let me install the mods. Mods disabled by default which I have turned on have been working fine, zero hitches (not even when i installed them).
I just tried force updating again, and same thing happened. If you need the crash report, it's exactly the same as the other one. Any other solutions? Because I've tried all that i can find, and zero work for me (as usual).

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
AppliedEnergistics{rv14.dev2} [Applied Energistics] (appeng-rv14-dev2-mc15x.zip) Unloaded->Errored
Is this the unmodified Unleashed? According to my download you updated Applied Energistics to a development build. Try it with the original non dev build, appeng-rv13-c-mc15x.zip It also shows that it errored above from the log. Please add or change mods one at a time that way you know which mod is causing the error. If you put them all in at once you have no real idea which it might be.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So far, gregtech seems to be doin it. My unleashed has the most updated applied energistics rv13. If i try to 1.5.2's version of rv14 of applied, it crashes. One at a time didnt work either. Should i edit the mods somehow? Will that fix anything?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just so you know, i have also been trying to update applied energistics aling with adding greg tech. Before this, it was unmodified.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One at a time didnt work either. Should i edit the mods somehow? Will that fix anything?
What I meant was using the Unleashed unmodified as a known working version. Then do this process.
1) Add a mod see if it loads and creates a new world. Please use a new world each time so you do not have any updating world errors.
2a) If it does not then post the log here so we can hopefully fix it here. Or Google it til its fixed.
2b) If/Once it does work move to step 1 again adding another mod.
This way we can fix the errors as they come up rather than dumping them together and guessing. I hope you understand what I am saying. Good luck.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I did. Thats what ive been saying. I have used a working version, only added one mod, and minecraft crashes. If you want the crash report, its exactly the same as the first one i sent you. Nothing changes, it doesnt depend on the mod, anything that wasnt in there by default crashes it. Force updating is just a pain the ass because i have to reset to my wants (and yes, i have tried with an unmodified ftb).

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm sorry I do not know what the cause is. I thought you were using an unmodified version and adding all those mods. After hearing what you said I was going to try to see which mods versions you had and try to recreate the exact error, but the pastebin'd log was removed. I did try the updated development version of AE and it worked with GregTech and no errors. If you repost the log I am willing to check version numbers and try to reproduce the error in my spare time. I however do not know the exact cause of the error or a solution.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do not own a Mac so I cannot test this theory. How are you downloading the zips? Are you using any other software other than your web browser? Any software to repackage them? If so which program and/or browser? If not which browser are you using? I think I remember hearing of some Macs repackaging zips or archives and this causing errors in the zips. It is just a guess as it appears that any mod you add gets errored in the same way. Hope this helps in some way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That sounds likely, because I've recently started using Safari again, and it automatically unzips downloaded files. To zip them, I am unsure of what program Mac uses, as it just says zip file when I go to zip the just downloaded file. I'll try Google Chrome, see what happens.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so i got applied energistics and gregtech to work (THANK YOU SO MUCH) but there is a conflict between some ids in gregtech and my world. Any ideas on a quick fix? What happens if i just continue to load my world? Will it fix itself?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I remember pressing continue works, keep a backup just in case. Glad you found a fix to the initial problem. :D


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks! Also (last thing), most mods work, but I get errors sometimes and it crashes the game (eg adding Advanced Machines did this to me). I'll send you the log, but it seems like a weird one

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