Hello again...
I have sorted out the previous issues, thank you.
My next thing is that i have a new person that wants to play on the server but he has DL-ed the latest ver of the unleashed pack.
1. How do i tell wat ver of the server i am running?
2. Wat is the easiest way to up date the server to the latest ver.
3. if i do this will it effect the current world?
Ps i have been to the new web site and read the hosting section. nice work on the new site. My launcher is running 1.1.3 but i think i put the older mod versions back on the server to get it running as it was crashing. When i log in it says that a number of mods can now be updated.
So if i update my launchers unleashed pack then DL the server it should all work? but will it effect the current world as in ? 3
I hope i am not being to confusing and thanks for any help