Hi all ! i have bug for test ftb source on eclipse :
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at net.ftb.mclauncher.MinecraftLauncherNew.main(MinecraftLauncherNew.java:167)
ligne 167 :
pliz help me !
sorry im french
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
at net.ftb.mclauncher.MinecraftLauncherNew.main(MinecraftLauncherNew.java:167)
ligne 167 :
public static void main (String[] args) {
String basepath = args[0], animationname = args[1], forgename = args[2], username = args[3], password = args[4], modPackName = args[5], modPackImageName = args[6];
Settings.getSettings().save(); //Call so that the settings file is loaded from the correct location. Would be wrong on OS X and *nix if called after user.home is reset
basepath = new File(basepath).getAbsoluteFile().toString().replaceAll("[/\\\\]$", "");
try {
System.out.println("Loading jars...");
String[] jarFiles = new String[] { "minecraft.jar", "lwjgl.jar", "lwjgl_util.jar", "jinput.jar" };
ArrayList<File> classPathFiles = new ArrayList<File>();
File tempDir = new File(new File(basepath).getParentFile(), "instMods/");
if (tempDir.isDirectory()) {
for (String name : tempDir.list()) {
if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(forgename)) {
if (name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".zip") || name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".jar")) {
classPathFiles.add(new File(tempDir, name));
pliz help me !
sorry im french