FTB sky factory 3 can't run

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New Member
Jul 23, 2020
when i click in launch the window
Disappear soon he open again and
and he wirter in the console
Exception in thread "main" [14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLSecurityManager$ExitTrappedException
[14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.FMLSecurityManager.checkPermission(FMLSecurityManager.java:49)
[14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkExit(Unknown Source)
[14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: at java.lang.Runtime.exit(Unknown Source)
[14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: at java.lang.System.exit(Unknown Source)
[14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:138)
[14:16:11] [main/INFO] [STDERR]: [java.lang.ThreadGroup:uncaughtException:-1]: at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28