FTB Revelation Inventory

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New Member
Feb 24, 2021
Not sure if this is a bug or not because I’m not seeing anything pop up in the server logs or client side logs, but I keep running into an issue on a personal server with friends where my inventory just glitches out and I’m not able to move anything around unless I’m inside a container (chest, ME terminal, etc). Items seem to duplicate visibly, armor will disappear and be replaced by other items in my inventory, and there will sometimes be items inside the crafting grid. It is basically making the game unplayable because I’m unable to do anything inside my inventory after a few minutes. Relogging fixes the issue temporarily, but it will continue to happen.
I can’t provide screenshots at the moment, but if these would be necessary to help solve I can supply later. Just seeing if anyone else has had this issue and if there are any suggestions for a fix.
I have already disabled the inventory tweaks auto fill, which I did read might be the issue from google but it continues to happen even after that.


New Member
Feb 24, 2021

Here's an example of what I'm talking about - I'm actually currently wearing full diamond armor, I haven't physically put any wool inside of the crafting grid. I just opened my inventory and this is what I see. As stated above, I can't move anything around either without being inside of a container.

Not sure if it is my game, the server, or a bug. Server was restarted before me joining, and I deleted cache & game and reinstalled with fresh copies.

The game is unplayable at this point, so please help.


New Member
May 30, 2020
i have this exact problem with my single play world my tinkers armour has just up and left been replaced by iron and diamond armour