Request FTB Mods site sections?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was wondering if there are or if it is planned to have sections dedicated to the FTB Tweaks and FTB Utilities mods? Such as a suggestion area, documentation area, or a discussion area. Right now a single sub forum would probably cover all that really well. With links to the relevant wiki pages in a sticky thread.

I just had the idea that it might be nice to be able to change what the op permission allowed by default. Mostly just a on off switch. I am the only op on the server and I don't want to go around mining up other players claims on accident. It would be nice to have a toggle for op permission privileges. If that was possible. So that I would only have the normal player privileges until I decided to turn on my OP privileges.

I had no place to post the idea though.

Edit 001:
For anyone trying to figure out these mods I will provide noted below. Probably won't help. But hey, a little confusion goes a long way.

Path to the only configuration file I could find for this mod "\Instances\FTB Infinity\local\ftbu\config.json"
"backups": {
"autoExportInvOnLogout": false,
"backupsToKeep": 12, -This should be the number of backups retained by the Utilities mod.
"backupTimer": 2.0, -This is the amount of time in hours of each back up. "1.5" would be 1 hour and 30 minutes.
"compressionLevel": 1, -The higher this number the smaller the backup file might be. Max of 5?
"displayFileSize": true, -Displays the size of the current backup and total size of all backups
"enabled": true, -probably switches the backup system on and off.
"folder": "./backups/" -the folder the backups are placed in. (the "./" means that it is placed off the current instance directory)

"breakWhitelist": [], -no clue at all what this means
"dimensionBlacklist": [], -a list of dimensions where chunk claims can't be made.
"forcedChunkSecurity": -1, -three settings. "-1" is player set.
"forcedExplosions": 1, -three settings. "1" is TNT is always allowed. "-1" TNT security is set by the player.
"maxClaimsAdmin": 1000, -gives the OPs 1,000 chunk claim limit
"maxClaimsPlayer": 500 -gives the players 500 chunk claim limit

"commands": -this entire section is for turning off different in game commands, I think.
"admin_backup": true,
"admin_edit_config": true,
"admin_invsee": true,
"admin_unclaim": true,
"admin_warps": true,
"admin_world_border": true,
"back": true,
"crossDimHomes": true,
"home": true,
"maxHomesAdmin": 100,
"maxHomesPlayer": 1,
"name_cmd_admin": "admin",
"spawn": true,
"tplast": true,
"warp": true

"allowCreativeInteractSecure": true, -not for sure. Setting this to false may block interacting with player claimed chunks by OPs (kinda nice)
"blockedEntities": [], -possibly a blacklist of things
"restartTimer": 0.0, -how often the server should restart in hours. "1.5" would be 1 hour and 30 minutes.
"safeSpawn": false, -hostile mobs won't attack any one in the area protected by "spawn-protection" as set in ""
"spawnPVP": true -play shoudn't be able to damage other players within the area protected by "spawn-protection" as set in ""

"login": -no clue about all this. Seens to be a place to put links that will show in chat.
"customBadges": "",
"motd": [],
"rules": "",
"startingItems": [] -sets the items ever new player to that server will start with.

"tops": -leaderboards (sounds kinda cool) looks like a bunch of toggles for scoring systems
"deaths": true,
"deaths_ph": true,
"first_joined": true,
"last_seen": true,
"time_played": true -a link someone was nice enough to provide.
Most of this is a copy paste of that text with notes added.
just going to go over the ones I have used.
/ftb_mode set expert -Currently toggles "expert" and "normal"
/spawn -a teleport to overworld spawn (much easier then dumping stuff in a chest. Creatinga waypoint. Then dying. When you get lost)
/tpl (player) -may be a OP only command.

These next ones are needed to be able to easily get from place to place of interest.
They can only be set by OPs. Can be used by anyone afterwards.
/admin setwarp (ID) - Sets warp (ID) to current position of player
/admin delwarp (ID) - Deletes warp (ID)

These next ones may just be specific to the server I am using. I haven't seen them before this though.
/home set (ID) -sets a point that only the player that set it can teleport to.
/home del (ID) -deletes a point that that player has set
/home (ID) -teleports player to that point as previously set by them.
Forgot the rest of my learning with this. I have set world border using FTB utilities. Haven't experienced the reality of it yet though. I will note down the rest of my findings later, possibly. Not likely, yet possibly.
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Forum Addict
Team Member
Third Party Pack Admin
Nov 6, 2012
FTB Utilities has a curse page here. It has an issue tracker, but it's more focused on bugs than feature requests. I don't think an entire forum is necessary, but it would be fine to create a thread in the General FTB section for feature ideas.

We are working on a full permissions system for the mod that will allow you to create groups and give them the ability to only use certain commands.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just had the idea that it might be nice to be able to change what the op permission allowed by default. Mostly just a on off switch. I am the only op on the server and I don't want to go around mining up other players claims on accident. It would be nice to have a toggle for op permission privileges. If that was possible. So that I would only have the normal player privileges until I decided to turn on my OP privileges.
FTB Utilities has a curse page here. It has an issue tracker, but it's more focused on bugs than feature requests. I don't think an entire forum is necessary, but it would be fine to create a thread in the General FTB section for feature ideas.

We are working on a full permissions system for the mod that will allow you to create groups and give them the ability to only use certain commands.
"Holy learning curve batman"
"no I mean it is steep learning with lots of holes in it"
24 hours later and I am feeling lots better. Turns out the non-existent problem will most likely get fixed with time. As more people learn the new mods and start to post on them and document them they will become easier to learn. I found out I couldn't effect any blocks in the chunks claimed by my brother. I couldn't open doors, reap crops, harvest tree fruits, anything. Could kill nuetral mobs though. He now has one less cow. I am server admin and the only one with OP permissions on the server. I think that changing one of the settings in the config file did it. So cool beans there.

Found out lots of stuff actually. Noted most of down in the first post in case anyone else might find this thread. Got to start the learning aids somewhere after all. Thanks for the reply. It proved useful and informative. Will leave this post here. Got lots of rambling to do. Think I will do it somewhere else. So I don't waste to much of your time.
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