Title FTB Infinity Evolved Server Start-Up Crash, projectred?
Launcher Type Server
Modpack FTB Infinity Evolved
Modpack version 2.6.0
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://pastebin.com/ZZQqN5DW
Details of the issue Server crashed around 3/5/17. Loaded from a backup as it seems the save data got corrupted, but now it seems I am getting an error with project red, but you can see the log file for yourself. Using a third-party server launcher called Minecraft server dashboard. Thanks!
Launcher Type Server
Modpack FTB Infinity Evolved
Modpack version 2.6.0
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://pastebin.com/ZZQqN5DW
Details of the issue Server crashed around 3/5/17. Loaded from a backup as it seems the save data got corrupted, but now it seems I am getting an error with project red, but you can see the log file for yourself. Using a third-party server launcher called Minecraft server dashboard. Thanks!
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