Problem FTB Infinity Evolved - Server help pls

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New Member
Aug 15, 2020
Please excuse me on my novice ability to troubleshoot but I am having issues trying to start a server for my bro and I on FTB Infinity Evolved. I have downloaded the pack through the twitch app and have played it many times single player. I convinced him to try it with me but we can't seem to get a multiplayer game going. I've downloaded the server files through the link on this website, I moved that file "serverinstall_23_23.exe" to a folder on my desktop and ran it. It downloaded the files into the folder. I ran the "start" windows batch file, it asked me to say yes to the eula question, then the window disappears. When i run the "minecraft_server.1.7.10" jar file, it looked like a server started, but i couldnt find it in the game. I've clicked on all the other files but nothing is happening. Forgive me for my ignorance, but a very basic "How to make a server" would be much appreciated. I've spent all day watching youtube and how too's, without any luck. I am trying to get a my brother of 39 yrs into this but hes losing interest fast without a guide like me by his side. Please help!! Much Appreciated!!!
You are running the wrong file. Here's a batch file. Make a text file and change the extension to .bat. The file you want is: forge-1.7.10-
Xmx is the max memory allowed in multiples of 1024M, default is 4096M. Xms is the starting memory allocated, which is default in this case.

@echo off


java.exe -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -Xmx6124M -Xms4096M -jar forge-1.7.10- nogui

rem pause

echo Server is restarting in 10 seconds.
choice /c CQ /n /d C /t 10 /m "Press C to continue or Q to quit: "
if not errorlevel 2 goto start
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