FTB Forums needs a bit of a clean up...

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now I'll put this out there strait away:
I love the FTB forums and love the community we have and this is in no way trying to break that apart.

However...( :) )
I think the forums as a whole needs a huge work with, the only place we have at the moment to talk is the General FTB chat.
Now I know what you're thinking, "we have loads of categories! We have things for everything" But I'm focussing specificity on the FTB section of the forums. I want to put forward a more "organised" way to lay out the FTB section. Specificity this:
Feed The Beast:
Support Site
Mod Pack Bugs
Tech Support:
->Crashing (crash reports can be filtered here)
->IG Problems (problems happening in-game)
Tech Walk (where people can post ideas / designs of contraptions or machines) (see what a did there? walk the
Tech Talk (where people put ideas out or ask questions on building things) walk or talk the talk? :D)
Builds: (as in whole city's or even a whole world)

I will be adding more to this list as I think of them.

Now you're probably thinking "forum admins don't have enough time or they would of done this already" My answer is that I personally have too much time on my hands and wouldn't mind using some of it up sifting through the 2k+ posts on the current general chat for FTB and sort them into category's. Furthermore you may be thinking that with more filter options for posts, it'll look like a less of a community, but we've racked up 2k+ posts on general FTB in a matter of months, and with the new filters it'll be so much easier to know where to post ye post!

I hope you'll take this post seriously and not just someone trying to moan, I love the FTB forums and love the community but I find it REALLY hard to find specific things that I want to help people with or ask for help with or even if I just want to browse!

Kind Regards

If anyone else has ideas of sub topics for FTB to filter it even better, be my guest to suggest em! :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
These forums aren't big enough yet to necessitate such a division. It'll just split up the small user base and we'll likely see less activity. Having to visit three or four different subforums to see the trickle of activity we already see in this one is more work than necessary. It's a good idea, but much too early.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
These forums aren't big enough yet to necessitate such a division. It'll just split up the small user base and we'll likely see less activity. Having to visit three or four different subforums to see the trickle of activity we already see in this one is more work than necessary. It's a good idea, but much too early.

By looking at polls, these forums get quite a lot of activity. Just not many posters.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Viewers don't push things off of the front page or make things harder to find- posters do. This board is only moderately active- no need to fragment it.