FTB Evolved Server lag spike almost everysingle minute

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Title FTB Evolved Server lag spike almost everysingle minute

Launcher Type FTB Launcher

Modpack FTB Evolved

Modpack version MC 1.7.10, Forge 1614, Recent mod list.

Have you modified the pack? No

Link to log file https://pastebin.com/SUkpYyeP

Details of the issue Every single minute, the server will freeze for around 40 - 60 ticks. We have tried to disable anti virus, re downloading forge, re-installing FTB server libraries, and removing fast craft / forge essentials from this mix.

It lags even when a client is not connected, and when the client is connected it will lag 110 - 140 ticks.

The CPU is not stressed (hovering around 10% for the server) and the memory is also not stressed (standing at 3.137GB with allocating 4GB)

We have Java 8 64-bit
It doesn't seem like GC is the problem, the lag will occur even when GC doesn't occurs.

Here is the stack trace : https://pastebin.com/sbi3Z8kW
But other then it modifying a file on the drive, that is all that I can see in there.

While talking about my drive, it is running on a high performance SSD, so most likely that wouldn't cause the lag spike.

Also here are my Java Arguments

java -server -Xms512M -Xmx4G -XX:permSize=256M -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:parallelGCThreads=2 -XX:MinHeapFreeRatio=5 -XX:MaxHeapFreeRatio=10

One thing to note is when restarting the server, it won't have another lag spike for 20 minutes when a user is not online.
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