FTB download link format

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am the maintainer of the Arch Linux feedthebeast PKGBUILD (which is a script that builds a package): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/feedthebeast/

edit: the actual script is here https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fe/feedthebeast/PKGBUILD

Apparently, the download links for the launcher jar change every single day, so I was wondering, how are the links generated? (I am trying to generate them on-the-fly, because the PKGBUILD downloads the sources at build time, but is the links change every day then I have to re-uploade the PKGBUILD every day.) I noticed the links are always in the form

http://www.creeperrepo.net/direct/FTB2/XXX/launcher^FTB_Launcher.jar where XXX is a 128-bit hex string (the way an MD5 checksum is). So is it an md5sum of something? If not, how are the links generated? Most importantly, can I use it to generate the download link on-the-fly?