Mac FTB closes every time I enter my server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

A friend and me are playing on our own direwolf server. I was just flying around with my jetpack when minecraft and the launcher just quit.. no warning, no 'crash'.. just closes.

Now every time I log in I see myself for 0,2sec and it closes. I had this before and figured if I delete the player data from the server it would be fixed which it did obviously since you spawn on 0-0.

But now weeks into the game, I don't want to lose my thaumcraft and maybe other stuff.. which I think you lose when you delete your player file. Is there any way to back up the thaumcraft stuff only and put it back in a new player data file or something? Or is there a way to just fix this problem without deleting things like forcing a new spawn point when I enter? I dno...

Here is the Minecraft log, the launcher log doesn't say anything:
I guess that last line "invalid memory access" is the problem but I'm clueless about these things..

Any help is dearly appreciated


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
bump? :(

It keeps happening.. even more now.. when I enter the nether it sais the same thing. I also can't visit my quarry anymore caus the same thing happens.

Invalid memory acces 0x0
Anyone please?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
OS is mountain lion and java 6..which I downgraded from 7 since that doesn't work on mac yet.

Anyway I just noticed that when my friend isn't around I can do everything just fine.. I even could just spawn where last time it had invalid memory access.. and all my stuff is still on me.
So it might be the server that doesn't have enough memory (now on 1024 I think), why would he otherwise give that error?
I also upped the memory in the ftb launcher to 2G, maybe that helped to.. I can't test what actually "fixed" it caus my friend is not home.

That nbt program does wonders indeed, I can copy my old stuff to a new player file.. awesome!
Thanks for the help Booker, I'll keep this updated if I find out more
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