FTB Beyond Skipping Ticks

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Title FTB Beyond Skipping Ticks

Launcher Type Curse App

Modpack FTB Beyond

Modpack version 1.2.1

Have you modified the pack? No

Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/0f84381e

Details of the issue After playing for a while, I start getting tick skips and frame drops related to the tick skips. I have seen a few other instances of this from other users., but found no solution.
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Do you get periodic "game freezes" lasting from 1 to 3 seconds? And does it get worse with time-played?

I saw the same thing happen in Xogue's youtube video and thought - "aha - its not just me".
It appears to be a Java Garbage collection issue, perhaps exasperated by the particular mod verrsions used in this pack.
While I haven't found a fix for it, I have found a way to make it "more tolerable".


I've got this too. It got less worse when I lowered the server's draw distance from 10 to 8. But now it's skipping again.