If you are going to run a regular, plain old, noncustomized server, there are a ton of much cheaper hosting sites that you can try.
From my own little saga with this from this thread:
I have two recommendations. I am currently still using Shockbyte.com, which will seem somewhat crazy when you read my horror stories with them on that site. However, my issues were because I was running a modified server and breaking the laws of physics for what I'm trying to do, so my results are not typical. Their customer service is kind of iffy right now (I did eventually get someone knowledgeable who assures me it's because the support department is in its infancy), but if you're not modifying the server, FTB beyond is among their one-click installs and you won't really need their help. They are the cheapest option with decent hardware.
Only slight more expensive, but with far better support is beastnode.com. I'm running 4gb, which is likely overkill for you. With Shockbyte, that's $10 per month, and with beatnode that's $12 per month. Beastnode answered my questions knowledgeably in real-time on a chat with zero wait time. I was really impressed and very nearly moved to them before giving the original another chance.