Problem FTB Beyond Forestry Farm No Ender Lillies

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Tommy Pipher

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So as i usually do with ender lily seeds i use the forestry farms to run them very small energy cost, great setup, can't go wrong. However when I went to make my ender farm today i noticed there is 0 way to make ender electron tubes. I've checked all the configs for forestry and extrautils2 and saw that the correct configs are checked to allow farming of ender lily seeds. But there is NO WAY to make the farm go into that mode. Am i missing something or is that functionality not added?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not currently playing that pack but I have seen it in other 1.10 packs where it does not display the recipe for the Ender Electron Tube in JEI but if I click on recipes inside the Thermionic Fabricator it does show it and allow me to create them.