FTB Always gets corrupt map file?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The server Im playing on (FTB Unleashed) went down today, after getting very low TPS for a long while.

The admin now states that the server map is very corrupt, and that many of the saves also are corrupt.

Now we might be looking at several days rollback. *sigh*

Is this normal with FTB Unleashed? Or is my admin just a noob?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If tons of trolls jerks play on the server, making tons of stupid stuff, tons of quarries continuously spitting items and blowing up stuff, then no wonder the world got corrupted.
Someone just made tons of quarries and stuff, server got overloaded, failed to save map properly and corrupted it. In the end, you could say it's the admin's fault for not taking care of it good enough. ;)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, Im not at all blaming him, its just that he says its impossible to find out what the problem is. The programs that backup and save should have some sort of corruption detection, and be able to detect where in the world the problem is, for a local reset/huge rollback and an explanation as to why and what the no-no was. (I know IM probably asking for too much, but isnt there anything like this?)

Theyve managed now to only rollback 2 hours appearantly (god I hope its not more than that). had to reset some other dimensions etc.

Isnt there certain plugins you could run to avoid this?

And yes, we've gotten tons of newcomers lately, noobs that dont know shit, griefers, etc, probably fuxx things up
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