Hello everyone, It is I, Xarthication, making one of my first contributions to the forum. Recently I started doing short tutorials that don't span past 100 seconds, Some of them are below, which is fine. I hope to update you on them here, but before I post all this info, there's a few things I want to clarify.
- This is not meant to be better than any of the longer, more intricate, tutorials going in detail on every aspect of what I'm covering, my little tutorials, if you will, are to get people who aren't willing to sit through them, on their feet and motivated to look at those tutorials.
- I'm 14, my voice is deeper than it is on my videos, why is it light? Because of the noise removal and equalization i apply on my audio tracks in audacity, it's also the way I read.. My age isn't that important anyway.
- I hope you see the amount of work I put in to these. The "Bee Basics" one took me about 5 hours, while the Thaumcraft 3 one took me 2 days, more info on the process of making these later.
People on reddit seem to like it, and I've gotten great feedback, and although I'm unable to reply to each and every one of you, I truly appreciate all the comments and suggestions you leave, for this has to be the most successful thing I've endeavored.
This is where you come in!
This is the official thread for this, not to advertise, but to keep track of the suggestions you all have, for if you post them in the comments I may or may not see them, and I want to consider all of them. The one I'm considering making next is Thermal Expansion, but I'm not sure. And yes, individual blocks are accepted into tutorials. If I do a "Block Spotlight" type thing, it'll give you the info on that too. Reply to this, leave suggestions I always read through all of them!
Thank each and every one of you! Views are awesome in themselves, but to show your support like and subscribe...
God, I feel like a whore now!