Yes, port is forwarded.
My server starts, I have two addresses in my MP client
The top one is simply localhost, the one called Brent is my external IP with :25565 at the end.
As you can see, they're both fine for me, I can get on the Brent server with no issues, and if I turn off my port forwarding in my router, I get
as expected.
However, when I give the IP to my friend Brent, he cannot log into the server. It just shows the red X and says Can't Connect to Server, the weird thing is, when he sets up a server, I can't see his either. Did something change or am I not setting the server up right or something?
My server starts, I have two addresses in my MP client
The top one is simply localhost, the one called Brent is my external IP with :25565 at the end.
As you can see, they're both fine for me, I can get on the Brent server with no issues, and if I turn off my port forwarding in my router, I get
as expected.
However, when I give the IP to my friend Brent, he cannot log into the server. It just shows the red X and says Can't Connect to Server, the weird thing is, when he sets up a server, I can't see his either. Did something change or am I not setting the server up right or something?