Frame rate issues and iron tanks

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Past couple of days I've been getting 0 FPS (down from usual 40 ish) when moving about 25-30 blocks away in one particular direction from where my iron tank is situated. It's a big tank, 7x7x6 externally and was half full to full with lava for most of that time. It emptied out overnight and today when logging in I've noticed that I'm back to my usual 40 FPS. Coincidence? Are the tanks known for causing such issues and has anyone else experienced this? :eek:

un worry

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was about to build my new lava storage facility .... but it looks like my "Crucibles = Lava + Magmatics = MJ + Nether + Crucibles = Lava + GTG = EU" pretzel is gonna hang around for a while longer.

Can anyone else confirm the railcraft tanks may be an issue? Thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was about to build my new lava storage facility .... but it looks like my "Crucibles = Lava + Magmatics = MJ + Nether + Crucibles = Lava + GTG = EU" pretzel is gonna hang around for a while longer.

Can anyone else confirm the railcraft tanks may be an issue? Thanks.

I think it may be the lava itself causing it. I get similar frame rate issues in the nether near large pools of lava too. Also, check out my idea for a different way of moving the EU from lava out of the nether in this thread :