Forum Moderator Applications

  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord!
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Opinion of this whole 'Pick yourself or someone else' isn't the best way of doing this.
A lot (not all) picked will most likely be posted due to popularity or some type of connection to that person.
Picking yourself is never seen as a good thing either so people that are low on said chain are at a disadvantage already.

All in all it just seems an easy way out to get staff and not having to worry about spending time to hand pick / talk to that person you think will fit best in a role.

Again most (not all) people that are selected by other people may not even want to be a moderator.
I do pretty much agree with this, but I am on the other side of the fence here and simply go with how the ordeal is organized. I know there have been a few of us who have already been chatting a bit about the open spots and via the grapevine there would have definitely been at least a few names for head staff to contact.
I feel like the only ones being nominated or nominating themselves is modpack devs.
Well... FTB is somewhat centered around modpacks. But this still isn't technically true, neither padfoote nor I are strictly pack devs.
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Reactions: Padfoote


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
Username of Self: goreae
Recommendation 1: @Padfoote Here
Recommendation 2: @VapourDrive Here
Recommendation 3: @trajing Here

I have been in the forums for a decent amount of time, for at least a year. Almost definitely longer. Yep. From the forums, I joined the no topic thread and I discovered mattabase. I joined the NTT's forums when they started and became a moderator after a particular bout of drama. Mattabase had made a forum because he was working on a pyramid map remake and wanted to have a place for people to talk about it. I quickly because the most prominent member on those forums and because a moderator there. I learned to use the software. A while later, I joined the phoenix team because for one thing another NTTer was in there, mister the_j, and I had some wonderful ideas with minetweaker. We've had a lot of bumps in the road. From minor arguments to a literal life and death situation. I've learned to be diplomatic, because the phoenix team is a place that I can be myself without fear of anything. I have feed the beast to thank for that. So much has gone good for me in the phoenix team. I joined the FTB team when we merged, I made 20 amazing friends who I love to death, and I even fell in love. I want to be a moderator to help out where I can. I have lots of free time and want to use that to help feed the beast be a safe environment for users to just be themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also know how to use excel and access, and have a decent understanding of programming languages. Mainly lua, C++ and java. I am a really fast learner when it comes to computer-related stuff. I even taught myself visual basic.

Oh, and I also have the entire thrid party section followed, and try to keep an eye on it, reporting when necessary.
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Brick Thrower
Forum Moderator
Dec 11, 2013
Username of Self: goreae
Recommendation 0: :(

I have been in the forums for a decent amount of time, for at least a year. Almost definitely longer. Yep. From the forums, I joined the no topic thread and I discovered mattabase. I joined the NTT's forums when they started and became a moderator after a particular bout of drama. Mattabase had made a forum because he was working on a pyramid map remake and wanted to have a place for people to talk about it. I quickly because the most prominent member on those forums and because a moderator there. I learned to use the software. A while later, I joined the phoenix team because for one thing another NTTer was in there, mister the_j, and I had some wonderful ideas with minetweaker. We've had a lot of bumps in the road. From minor arguments to a literal life and death situation. I've learned to be diplomatic, because the phoenix team is a place that I can be myself without fear of anything. I have feed the beast to thank for that. So much has gone good for me in the phoenix team. I joined the FTB team when we merged, I made 20 amazing friends who I love to death, and I even fell in love. I want to be a moderator to help out where I can. I have lots of free time and want to use that to help feed the beast be a safe environment for users to just be themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also know how to use excel and access, and have a decent understanding of programming languages. Mainly lua, C++ and java. I am a really fast learner when it comes to computer-related stuff. I even taught myself visual basic.

Oh, and I also have the entire thrid party section followed, and try to keep an eye on it, reporting when necessary.

I'll second this nomination as well.
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Reactions: goreae


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
  • Username of Self: 016Nojr
  • Recommendation 1: Blank
  • Recommendation 2: Blank

  • Additional Information:
Loves helping people.
Active on the FTB Forums.
Very patient.
016nojr is also a werewolf player and sometimes GM. He's a coolheaded dude who is pretty dang fly.

  • Any additional information you want to add:
Pad's a pretty well-known member of the FTB community - he's in the phoenix team, and was once a wiki team member, so we know he can definitely work well in the moderation team. He can often be seen talking on the side of reason in many debates, as well as doing his best to hose down flamewars and people getting angry. I've known him a while now, and I think he's a really great guy, a valued member of the community, and would be a wonderful addition to the moderation staff.
All of the yes. He's sch a good guy. Did you know that he's the phoenix team head of PR? He makes sure we don't go too far and keeps the team in check. Where would we be without him? Who the heck knows. I certainly don't want to know.
Nomination: @VapourDrive (myself)
Recommendation 1: @chbachman
Recommendation 2: @Gideonseymour
Recommendation 3: @Celestialphoenix
Recommendation 4: @Padfoote
Recommendation 5: @the_j485

Additional Information: I have enjoyed being a part of the forums for almost 2 years and have always appreciated the moderation that has been done, now that there is room for new moderators I would like to contribute to this. I have been trusted user for most of my time on the forums now, I am one of the background moderators (and proud member) on the Phoenix Team and I've played a large part in keeping the discussion in various threads in line. I understand the fundamentals of respecting people and their opinions and want to see the community around Feed the Beast flourish. I don't post as much as others may, but I read a lot and make the posts I contribute matter.
Vapourdrive is also a coolheaded bloke who doesn't mind voicing his opinions in a coolheaded manner. He's a great dude.
  • Username of Self/Nominee: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
  • Recommendation 1: None
  • Recommendation 2: None
I would like to suggest myself for a moderator, because I feel that I would be an amazing candidate, with an awesome username like I currently have, and the resulting (almost) unpingability. I hope that you guys can help me become a moderator, thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username of Self: goreae
Recommendation 1: @Padfoote Here
Recommendation 2: @VapourDrive Here

I have been in the forums for a decent amount of time, for at least a year. Almost definitely longer. Yep. From the forums, I joined the no topic thread and I discovered mattabase. I joined the NTT's forums when they started and became a moderator after a particular bout of drama. Mattabase had made a forum because he was working on a pyramid map remake and wanted to have a place for people to talk about it. I quickly because the most prominent member on those forums and because a moderator there. I learned to use the software. A while later, I joined the phoenix team because for one thing another NTTer was in there, mister the_j, and I had some wonderful ideas with minetweaker. We've had a lot of bumps in the road. From minor arguments to a literal life and death situation. I've learned to be diplomatic, because the phoenix team is a place that I can be myself without fear of anything. I have feed the beast to thank for that. So much has gone good for me in the phoenix team. I joined the FTB team when we merged, I made 20 amazing friends who I love to death, and I even fell in love. I want to be a moderator to help out where I can. I have lots of free time and want to use that to help feed the beast be a safe environment for users to just be themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also know how to use excel and access, and have a decent understanding of programming languages. Mainly lua, C++ and java. I am a really fast learner when it comes to computer-related stuff. I even taught myself visual basic.

Oh, and I also have the entire thrid party section followed, and try to keep an eye on it, reporting when necessary.
I as well accede to this.
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Reactions: goreae and Padfoote

Vals NoisyToys

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nomination: @VapourDrive (myself)
Recommendation 1: @chbachman
Recommendation 2: @Gideonseymour
Recommendation 3: @Celestialphoenix
Recommendation 4: @Padfoote
Recommendation 5: @the_j485
Recommendation 6: @goreae

Additional Information: I have enjoyed being a part of the forums for almost 2 years and have always appreciated the moderation that has been done, now that there is room for new moderators I would like to contribute to this. I have been trusted user for most of my time on the forums now, I am one of the background moderators (and proud member) on the Phoenix Team and I've played a large part in keeping the discussion in various threads in line. I understand the fundamentals of respecting people and their opinions and want to see the community around Feed the Beast flourish. I don't post as much as others may, but I read a lot and make the posts I contribute matter.

I 7th this!

Username of Self: goreae
Recommendation 1: @Padfoote Here
Recommendation 2: @VapourDrive Here
Recommendation 3: @trajing Here

I have been in the forums for a decent amount of time, for at least a year. Almost definitely longer. Yep. From the forums, I joined the no topic thread and I discovered mattabase. I joined the NTT's forums when they started and became a moderator after a particular bout of drama. Mattabase had made a forum because he was working on a pyramid map remake and wanted to have a place for people to talk about it. I quickly because the most prominent member on those forums and because a moderator there. I learned to use the software. A while later, I joined the phoenix team because for one thing another NTTer was in there, mister the_j, and I had some wonderful ideas with minetweaker. We've had a lot of bumps in the road. From minor arguments to a literal life and death situation. I've learned to be diplomatic, because the phoenix team is a place that I can be myself without fear of anything. I have feed the beast to thank for that. So much has gone good for me in the phoenix team. I joined the FTB team when we merged, I made 20 amazing friends who I love to death, and I even fell in love. I want to be a moderator to help out where I can. I have lots of free time and want to use that to help feed the beast be a safe environment for users to just be themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also know how to use excel and access, and have a decent understanding of programming languages. Mainly lua, C++ and java. I am a really fast learner when it comes to computer-related stuff. I even taught myself visual basic.

Oh, and I also have the entire thrid party section followed, and try to keep an eye on it, reporting when necessary.

I fourth this one as well. :)
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Reactions: Padfoote


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Username of Self: goreae
Recommendation 1: @Padfoote Here
Recommendation 2: @VapourDrive Here
Recommendation 3: @trajing Here

I have been in the forums for a decent amount of time, for at least a year. Almost definitely longer. Yep. From the forums, I joined the no topic thread and I discovered mattabase. I joined the NTT's forums when they started and became a moderator after a particular bout of drama. Mattabase had made a forum because he was working on a pyramid map remake and wanted to have a place for people to talk about it. I quickly because the most prominent member on those forums and because a moderator there. I learned to use the software. A while later, I joined the phoenix team because for one thing another NTTer was in there, mister the_j, and I had some wonderful ideas with minetweaker. We've had a lot of bumps in the road. From minor arguments to a literal life and death situation. I've learned to be diplomatic, because the phoenix team is a place that I can be myself without fear of anything. I have feed the beast to thank for that. So much has gone good for me in the phoenix team. I joined the FTB team when we merged, I made 20 amazing friends who I love to death, and I even fell in love. I want to be a moderator to help out where I can. I have lots of free time and want to use that to help feed the beast be a safe environment for users to just be themselves without fear of judgement or ridicule.

I also know how to use excel and access, and have a decent understanding of programming languages. Mainly lua, C++ and java. I am a really fast learner when it comes to computer-related stuff. I even taught myself visual basic.

Oh, and I also have the entire thrid party section followed, and try to keep an eye on it, reporting when necessary.
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Reactions: Padfoote


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Any additional information you want to add:
Well, I'm sure you already know me, as I work for you. I've been on the FTB forums since 2012, although most of it (until summer of last year) was just lurking. However, since then I've accrued the most likes and trophy points out of everyone on the forums, and made over 3,000 posts. I've done moderation on these forums for the Phoenix Team, and I was one of the first three people to get the Spam Cleaner button. I know that I've already got a lot on my plate from developing modpacks for you and the Phoenix Team, but you have to keep in mind - I spend a good portion of my day unable to access any computer capable of running Minecraft. As such, I am limited to just browsing the forums for hours on end. If you take away my "FTB Modpack Developer" tag, the default is "Never Leaves," which I find to be a very accurate tag.
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Reactions: Padfoote


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Username of Self: SixDev
  • Recommendation 1: Not Yet Nominated
  • Recommendation 2: Not Yet Nominated
  • Additinonal Information:
I have played FTB since unleashed. I can speak both English and Swedish. I use both Linux and Windows. I have alot of free time (2-8 hours a day).
I have made several modpacks. I know how to use XenForo. Finally I really like the forums and I would like to help.​


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
  • Username of Self: SixDev
  • Recommendation 1: Not Yet Nominated
  • Recommendation 2: Not Yet Nominated
  • Additinonal Information:
I have played FTB since unleashed. I can speak both English and Swedish. I use both Linux and Windows. I have alot of free time (2-8 hours a day).
I have made several modpacks. I know how to use XenForo. Finally I really like the forums and I would like to help.​
Oh, honey...
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Reactions: Nerixel


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Nomination: @VapourDrive (myself)
Recommendation 1: @chbachman
Recommendation 2: @Gideonseymour
Recommendation 3: @Celestialphoenix
Recommendation 4: @Padfoote
Recommendation 5: @the_j485
Recommendation 6: @goreae

Additional Information: I have enjoyed being a part of the forums for almost 2 years and have always appreciated the moderation that has been done, now that there is room for new moderators I would like to contribute to this. I have been trusted user for most of my time on the forums now, I am one of the background moderators (and proud member) on the Phoenix Team and I've played a large part in keeping the discussion in various threads in line. I understand the fundamentals of respecting people and their opinions and want to see the community around Feed the Beast flourish. I don't post as much as others may, but I read a lot and make the posts I contribute matter.
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Reactions: Padfoote


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Any additional information you want to add:
Well, I'm sure you already know me, as I work for you. I've been on the FTB forums since 2012, although most of it (until summer of last year) was just lurking. However, since then I've accrued the most likes and trophy points out of everyone on the forums, and made over 3,000 posts. I've done moderation on these forums for the Phoenix Team, and I was one of the first three people to get the Spam Cleaner button. I know that I've already got a lot on my plate from developing modpacks for you and the Phoenix Team, but you have to keep in mind - I spend a good portion of my day unable to access any computer capable of running Minecraft. As such, I am limited to just browsing the forums for hours on end. If you take away my "FTB Modpack Developer" tag, the default is "Never Leaves," which I find to be a very accurate tag.

thirteenth... or something like that?

  • Any additional information you want to add:
Pad's a pretty well-known member of the FTB community - he's in the phoenix team, and was once a wiki team member, so we know he can definitely work well in the moderation team. He can often be seen talking on the side of reason in many debates, as well as doing his best to hose down flamewars and people getting angry. I've known him a while now, and I think he's a really great guy, a valued member of the community, and would be a wonderful addition to the moderation staff.

eleventh...? god I hope I'm doing this right

I fourth @Gideonseymour, he's a great person and already active on the forums and knows what he's doing in the community, he'd be a great person to have in this position.

I also feel like @Yusunoha would be a good pick, if he's interested at all ;)

I wouldn't mind being offered the job, I just hope I'd be good enough for it.
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Reactions: Padfoote


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Okay, so here are my thoughts about the topic:
  1. The candidate should not be involved in flame baiting topics.
  2. He/she should preferably preferably following the RED thread, the idiotic things thread, and the politics discussion thread closely.
  3. The candidate should preferably be one of the people trying to cool down heated discussions.
  4. The candidate has to have enough free time to carry out his/her tasks.
  5. The candidate should know the community well.
  6. The candidate should be friendly, well-behaved, and liked by the community.
Based on those criterias, I would like to nominate/recommend the following community members:
  • Additional Information:
  • Ljfa is fair, and is able to see everything from both points of view. He is friendly, and seems to be well-liked by the community.
  • Yusunoha is friendly and well-liked. He has during his 2.5 years in the community gotten a good reputation and good knowledge of the community.
  • Padfoote is fair, friendly, and always trying to cool down heated discussions. He knows the community well, and has a good reputation.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username of Self: wantztobuild
Recommendation 1: Not Picked
Recommendation 2: Not Picked

Additional Info: I actually have a lot of experience in this field i took online college courses for management and software development. I can be on every day for like 4 hours - 10 hours. I am really kind to people. Thanks for taking your time and reading this.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Username of Self: wantztobuild
Recommendation 1: Not Picked
Recommendation 2: Not Picked

Additional Info: I actually have a lot of experience in this field i took online college courses for management and software development. I can be on every day for like 4 hours - 10 hours. I am really kind to people. Thanks for taking your time and reading this.
Did you really create an account just to ask for moderator status? o_O
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
  • Any additional information you want to add:
Pad's a pretty well-known member of the FTB community - he's in the phoenix team, and was once a wiki team member, so we know he can definitely work well in the moderation team. He can often be seen talking on the side of reason in many debates, as well as doing his best to hose down flamewars and people getting angry. I've known him a while now, and I think he's a really great guy, a valued member of the community, and would be a wonderful addition to the moderation staff.
13thd xD
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