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So, me and my friends are in the process of moving stuff from an old FTB Infinity Evolved server of ours (like, early-mid 2015 old, maybe older) and I'm noticing that I basically got screwed over the worst from all the mod updates. I chose to take on Forestry and all its child mods, but after some update or another, everything was missing or wrong. All the forestry planks had been turned into I think Larch planks, all of the logs had disappeared, and all of my saplings look... ill. Like they're all cruddy green colors and stuff. However, when I went to grab a new sapling from some surviving leaves, that version looked fine.

Basically my questions are: what the heck update was this, will it ruin all my tree breeding progress, and is there a way to restore said progress without doing it all over again?


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
Any time you update from one mod version to another, there is always a very good chance that things either won't work, or look right, or not even exist anymore. There is no way to "get it back" unless you have a backup of the map, and downgrade back to the version it worked with last.