Forestry - Trees Not Crossbreeding?

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Hi everyone! Hoping I can get some advice for my issue, I've been going crazy the past few days trying to figure it out.

I'm trying to cross-breed trees with the Forestry mod. I'm currently in a Plains biome and I've been trying to get various saplings, currently a cherry by breeding silver birch, silver lime and apple oak, as listed on the FTB wiki page for breeding. The saplings have been put through the treealyzer, I have my spectacles on, my bees are breeding (so I would assume pollinating?) and have adequate light/flowers/etc. I've been using meadows and unusual bees which, if I am understanding correctly, should work- they are found in natural beehives in this biome as well. I'm not seeing any butterflies spawn with the trees though, once planted, and I can only use bonemeal on the apple oak leaves.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Henry Link

Forum Addict
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
I just did some of this in a 1.10.2 pack. So I know it works still and I used int 1.7.10 as well.
  • Put about 6 bee hives in a straight line with a 5 or 6 block space in between them. Make sure the hives are automated so they stay active.
  • Choose your target species/tree and get enough sapling to make about 6 of each of the parent trees. For example to get Silver Lime you need Birch and Oak saplings.
  • Plant the parent saplings in two straight lines with the hives between the lines. Again about 5 or 6 blocks space between saplings. I do this alternating the saplings. So for Silver Birch example I would plant an oak then birch, another oak, birch etc. The second line would start birch, oak, birch, etc.
  • Force grow the trees using bone meal (or whatever mod that induces growth).
  • Chunk load the area and leave it running for a full day in real life. This is a slow process.
  • The next real life day come back with spectacles and use the grafter on any of the changed leaves. Toss out/trash can/distroy any parent samplings. These are typically cross breeds and just get in the way. Keep any of the new saplings (in our example Silver Birch). These saplings are pure breeds and should stack in your inventory as you get them.
  • Once you have new saplings, cut all the trees down. Toss out any cross breed saplings.
  • If you only have a few of the new saplings go someplace away from the hives and plant/harvest a few cycles to build some saplings. NOTE: some trees require 2x2 or 3x3 saplings to grow a tree. The analyzer will tell what is required.
  • Rinse and repeat the above steps to get the next breed. In the Silver Lime example above the next one would typically be Hill Cherry which would require oak and Silver Lime tree for the parents.


Thank you so much! It'll definitely take me a few days to get the automated apiaries up and running but I'll update when I've got it done with how it works! :)

Henry Link

Forum Addict
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
One other suggestion I can make if you have Gendustry make their grafter instead of the forestry's. It can be recharged and re-used and will do a lot more leaves.


Sorry for the delay in my reply, it ended up taking longer than I planned to get around to automating my apiary. That seems to have done the trick, thank you so much!