Forestry Multifarm Automation

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Hey all,
I've been working long and hard on creating a multifarm recently. I have it working, it plants and farms automatically like it should but I'm interested now in automatic item removal via the farm hatch.
I've looked online, on wiki and video tutorials but nothing really tells me anything about how to do it.
I've tried connecting transfer pipes, retrieval and transfer nodes from the extrautils modpack onto a chest but that doesn't remove items from the storage. I've also tried using logistics pipes from mekanism and that doesn't work.
Maybe I'm not setting up the pipes correctly or maybe I'm not even using the correct pipes at all. Does anybody have any idea what I could use?


Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
The multifarm will automatically export its produce into an inventory underneath the farm hatch. Easiest solution is to just stick a chest under it and then pull out of the chest with whatever.

If you are still having problems with this, then it is important that you know that it will only allow extraction/auto eject crops that enter the actual finished produce slots in the bottom of the GUI. If it is automatically replanting crops then it will have to fill up its "seed" slots first, before any excess crops can be produced.


Thanks for the reply. Putting the chest underneath does work.
The seed however don't get put back into their right place so I set up a filtering system with nodes and chests to make sure saplings, seeds and potatoes. I may run into a problem in the near future where the seed slots will only be full of only 1 type of seed so the other plants I'm growing won't be refreshed.
Is there a way for a node to only transfer a certain max amount of items at a time? Say two stacks of saplings, two stacks of potatoes and two stacks of seeds? Just so there is a uniform number between the three crops? Most information I find on the multifarm is outdated and the wiki is of little to no help.