Just like with Vanilla server you can make a launch.command file
Heres a one I threw together based on the code above
Just unzip and drop it into the same folder you have the FTB.jar in and double click.
If you get an error saying it doesn't have permission, open a new terminal window type in without the quotes "sudo chmod +x (drag launch.command here)" then hit enter.
Make sure you have a space between the "+x" and the file path.
Heres a one I threw together based on the code above
Just unzip and drop it into the same folder you have the FTB.jar in and double click.
If you get an error saying it doesn't have permission, open a new terminal window type in without the quotes "sudo chmod +x (drag launch.command here)" then hit enter.
Make sure you have a space between the "+x" and the file path.