Extra Utilities Upgrades

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a question about the upgrades for Extra Utilities' transfer nodes. I was wondering if anyone has a good concept of how the upgrades work? I love Extra Utilities it's easily in my top 3 favorite mods. And the piping system is by far one of my favorites for moving items around. But I can't get a handle on how the upgrades for the transfer nodes work. I obviously understand the speed upgrade and the world interaction upgrade. but the breadth-first, depth-first, and pseudo round-robin totally escape me. I would normally just look it up, but there is little to no documentation on any wiki for these 3 items. So I'm guessing it's not just me who has trouble with them. If anyone has a good explanation on how these work and is willing to share it, I'd really greatly appreciate it. Because I've tried using them before, and I feel like they would be incredibly helpful in certain situations if I could figure it out. Thanks to everyone for any comments in advance!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2013
The Netherlands
There are explanations for these things in NEI, that is, an NEI entry that contains a wall of text instead of a recipe.

Also, there is a tool in EU that allows you to see the searching mechanism at work in the form of a sparkle that appears over the pipe section the searching mechanism is currently occupying. Use that and you can see the different patterns the searching mechanism uses when you install these upgrades. Seeing may help you understand the difference better than any explanation.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019



Pseudo Round-Robin Upgrade : If you place this into a transfer node, the node will always advance after inserting an item even if there is still space left in the inventory. Also of its buffer runs out, it will not reset but will simply wait for more items. This creates a round-robin effect where all inventories have a chance of being visited. It's not a true round-robin since there is not guarantee that the chances are equal and items will be distributed equally.

Depth-first Search Upgrade : The transfer node will now search more intelligently and if it reaches an intersection it will explore down each route in term returning to the intersection once all options have been exhausted. This if only one chest in the image had space for items, the node will find that chest within one pass.

Breadth-first Upgrade : This is an upgraded form of the Depth-first upgrade. Here it will not only explore the system thoroughly but will check them in order of how close they are. Thus if all the chests were empty the nearest ones would always fill up first.