Hey there everyone! I just recently decided to get back into the blocky game we all know and love, and am getting started in the Age of Engineering modpack, watching good ol' DW20's videos for inspiration and tips and what not about how to go about everything as I've been out for a while. He made a point of optimizing his early game, to make sure he used only the bare minimum of what was needed for crafting his first IC 2 machines, as to get to ore doubling and one-for-one ingot-to-plate ratios. I have always been a fan of optimizing, and made an optimization calculator for the Altar in Blood Magic when it first came out. I want to get back into similar things, and at the moment, that requires having Minecraft recipes, vanilla and modded alike, in a spreadsheet (excel for now, google sheets when I feel like it is presentable and sharable). Rather than manually adding every crafting recipe in the game, I would love to be able to export a lot of this type of information from Minecraft itself. Does anybody have any tips or suggestions as to how to go about doing this? As an example of what I'll do with it first, I want to make a resource calculator, with options about what machines/crafting capabilities you have, what level of ore doubling, etc, and for you to tell it, say, "I want 4 Macerators, 2 Nuclear Reactors, an Empowerer, 4 Display Stands, and Diamond Boots" (for example's sake). You would then be told the exact number of raw materials required to make everything, as well as information as to if you have all of the machines you need to make that all happen. If requested, I might include energy cost's as well. If there is an easy way to export this data, then I should be able to do this for other packs as well, such as FTB Beyond. Anyways, enough rambling (my apologies!). Your thoughts?
If this is in the wrong section, I'll gladly move it to where it should be.
If this is in the wrong section, I'll gladly move it to where it should be.