Everyone disconnects & cannot log back in

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


Minecraft Version: 1.7.10
Operating System: Linux (amd64) version 3.19.0-25-generic
Java Version: 1.8.0_72, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 3278825256 bytes (3126 MB) / 5241307136 bytes (4998 MB) up to 5241307136 bytes (4998 MB)
JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xmx5120M -Xms5120M
AABB Pool Size: 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 15, tallocated: 96
FML: MCP v9.05 FML v7.10.99.99 Minecraft Forge 174 mods loaded, 174 mods active
  • What OS are you running? Linux
  • Are you using minecraft hosting provider or a dedicated/local server not designed for minecraft? Host Provider (BisectHosting)
  • What version of FTB are you using? (Dont just say latest tell us the version) FTB Infinity Evolved 2.3.5 Expert
  • Did you add any mods to the server pack? No
  • What are your server specs? There isn't much information available to me from the host provider. For memory, it is 5Gb. Unlimited SSD. From the FAQ, Dual Xeon CPUs, DDR3 EEC Ram & SSD.
  • A good detailed paragraph about the problem:
Several times throughout the day, everyone will disconnect at the same time with a "Timeout" error. When it first started to happen, the server would freeze and recover within 3-5 minutes. Lately, the server never recovers and the only way to fix the issue is to reboot the server.

Console doesn't crash or show any obvious errors in the console. When the server freezes, it still thinks those players are still connected. After a delay, the server catches up and in console, it'll display those players have been disconnected.

I'm not sure what would be causing the issue. We haven't identify anyone doing anything to trigger it yet.

Here are a few items we notice:
The server tends to spam "Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded?" errors. They have gone as high as 8000ms behind. Usually, it is around 2000-3000ms behind.

I noticed that the JVM flags show -Xmx5120M and -Xms5120M, so the memory in the console always display at 100%. I contacted Customer Support about our server resources usage, but they were not helpful. I'm not sure if this is a problem or not.

I would like to continue to expand the server, but I stopped advertising and accepting players until we can fix this issue. Three of us have been looking into this matter for the past week now and don't have any further ideas what it could be.

Any support on this matter would be greatly appreciate. If needed, I can provide more information.


Connor Gavitt

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
lower the -Xms5120m down to like -Xms512m first, may be the issue but most likely not. Can't keep up means your CPU can't process all the events going on at a high TPS aka something big happened so the server kicked everybody while it processes it. Post your server.log after this happens again.