Enderio in Tinkers Smeltry

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Does anyone no how to make ender io things combine in a tinkers smeltry ... i have seen it done in other modpacks that are 1.10.2 but i cant seem to do it in my custom pack :(.... if anyone can help me they will be awesome


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone no how to make ender io things combine in a tinkers smeltry ... i have seen it done in other modpacks that are 1.10.2 but i cant seem to do it in my custom pack :(.... if anyone can help me they will be awesome

Likely, the recipes were added manually by using CraftTweaker. Many of the popular packs have added scripts to make the mods play nicely together that wouldn't otherwise.


Jan 29, 2015
Likely, the recipes were added manually by using CraftTweaker. Many of the popular packs have added scripts to make the mods play nicely together that wouldn't otherwise.
I've had a quick look through the Beyond.zs CraftTweaker file, and I couldn't see any Tinker's recipes for EnderIO materials added; I did see something in one of the EnderIO bits that mentioned certain recipe outputs needing to be registered as a fluid, but that may not be related: (
<documentation>If set to true, the recipe will be registered for the Tinkers' Smeltery. For this to work, the output item must already be registered with Tinkers to smelt into a fluid.</documentation>

Those things aside, have we definitely seen anyone making EnderIO metals in a Smeltery in any 1.10 packs? I wonder whether any recipe conflicts would arise, or whether its just not supported - the way smelteries take time now to alloy might have been a complicating factor; I honestly don't know though.